DISCUSSION: Ending of ITunes

Guess we will find out when they have finish their discussion in conference room.

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My guess is that streaming services like Spotify are part of the reason for this. With the internet so readily available on the go combined with a low price point people would rather pay for a cloud service instead of a per song price for a download. Kinda reminds me of how noone I know owns iPods anymore because phones have replaced them. Real neat to see how things like this change over time :astonished:

Oh yeah…streaming also takes up less storage space than downloading entire albums or singles :slight_smile:

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I still have an ipod.


I really miss being able to buy a CD from HMV.

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I hate being the “ackshually” person, but basically, Apple isn’t ending iTunes.

From what I’ve read, you’ll still be able to access the iTunes store on your devices when the update is available. What is happening, though, is that iTunes will be broken into three separate apps handling music, podcasts, and television.

As NPR said in the article above, this is Apple’s way of addressing the fact that iTunes tried to be too many things at once.

They’re doing this to create a more simple experience.


I was just about to say this too, haha :joy:
They say iTunes is “ending” because people instead mostly use the individual apps based on certain parts of iTunes but actually worth using lol

It’s still sad in a nostalgic sense though, seeing as how long the platform has been around for :broken_heart:


I mean, for as infrequently as I use iTunes today, there definitely is a bit of nostalgia tied to it for me.

I lived for Christmas mornings where I would upload those stupid gift cards to my account.

But, the platform is pretty outdated, and they will need to be able to compete with companies like Spotify. Splitting the app will help them do that.


Oh wow. :sweat_smile:

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