Discussion: Ghosts and All Things Paranormal

Soo…Ghosts. I call them spirits.

I’ve seen them since I was around 5 and have been communicating with them for like (give or take) a year and a half.

So, of course, I believe in them and almost all things to do with them!

So let’s discuss! Do you believe in them?


I don’t really believe in them, but my best friend tells me she can see them. She just ignores them and hopes for the best lmao


Well I come from a very spiritual culture.
On my dad’s side, spirits are bad. There is a lot of “black magic” on my fathers side so of course they communicate with spirits but they are considered a bad omen.

On my mum’s side, spirits are everyday. People live in little sections with their family. Like you have this entire cul de sac type thing with your entire family from your great-grandmother’s generation and down living there. In the middle of said cul de sac is your family graveyard. Everyone in my mother’s province lives like this.
They aren’t afraid of spirits perse, but they are wary. You don’t go walking around in the rain because that’s when the spirits of those of unnatural deaths walk around and wail. When you go out at night you rub a bit of mangrove shell powder on your forehead so the spirits leave you alone.

Spirits are commonplace in my life.


Honestly if I hadn’t seen them or had experiences I probably wouldn’t have believed lol.


Wow. Yeah spirits are wrapped up in my life a lot too. Not that same way, but they talk to me- I think they’ve talked to me all my life but I’ve never noticed because they just sounded like the normal voice in my head. I’m not the BEST at talking to them- like, I’m bad at specifics (getting better tho lol) like names and dates.

They’ve distracted me during class before. One time I saw these two knights just fighting in my history class, and then a couple weeks later my history teacher showed a slideshow of what looked like the same knights (I remember the spirits having these weird helmets, and then a couple weeks later my teacher showed the helmets on his slideshow).

And they also get in my dreams a lot. Like, I don’t notice it often, but my dreams are always weird and surreal and sometimes even magical. I have had encounters with bad spirits too.


I’ve always been open to the idea of the paranormal. But i cant say I fully believe in them because so far no psychic or spirit medium has been able to prove their abilities. Theres even a $1million reward to any psychic who can prove their abilities and so far no one has claimed the money to my knowledge.

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Kinda? I’m religious so believing in God also means believing in bad spirits and the such.
Honestly sometimes I wish ghosts were truly real, as they stay when they are killed suddenly or when they want revenge. Imagine how many people would be terrified to kill?
I think some people can really see them, for example sleep paralysis is a thing.
I’m 50/50 on this.


I have a theory on that. Yeah, I’ve heard of that. Psychics and mediums like me are supposed to only use their powers and things for good reasons- ethical reasons, if they try to prove it or start charging way too much for their abilities, then they won’t work. Only when psychics and mediums are truly using their abilities for good is when they get the best results…

And also- James Randy said something really shady- I don’t know where he said it but… he said he had a lot of smaller psychics come in and he is really looking for the professionals.

Yeah ive seen videos of psychics absolutely being despicable when it comes to telling people where lost loved ones are. Theres one group of psychics called the Psychic Twins. Pretty much everything theyve predicted or told about about spirits telling them the future, the opposite ends up happening :joy:

I’ve heard of James Randi. He’s busted a lot of fake psychics. Though from the psychics I’ve seen, all I’ve seen them do is use good deduction when it comes to readings and stuff.

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I believe in them…
My brother had a problem once when he was staying with us :thinking: but I haven’t yet :shushing_face:

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Oof yeah I hate those- but sometimes they just get it wrong and unfortunately it leads the person the wrong way. If they don’t know or aren’t getting anything, they should tell the person wanting the reading that!

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I believe in them, but I don’t see them, sadly :pensive:

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I don’t want to be mean or something but communicating spirits is very dangerous.
So…Tell me how do you do that? Dangerous is my middle name.
Why that sounded like some bad Hollywood movie sentence :sweat_smile:

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It’s very hard and I’ve had spirits try to harm me before and I even had one put small scratches on my back (they disappeared by morning though and they were very small)
You kinda have to already be exposed to it and already have an ability, but my siblings couldn’t do it until I started to talk about it more. Then they became less afraid of it and were able to see things too.
Yeah it’s dangerous and I get my fair share of scares during the night haha. But what I do is every night when I’m feeling scared I imagine a wall of protection around me. Spirits themselves are mostly good, but there are some dangerous demonic things that only want to harm you and only want to scare you to get negative energy. I believe very strongly in my guides and I believe that they help protect me.
I trust my gut when I’m communicating with them, I go with what I feel is right and that’s what I think they are saying to me (because there is no way to know, unless I’m talking to someone’s dead relative and they can clarify or say “yeah that’s right!”)
It’s really complicated and science can’t explain it but if you want to experience it you have to be open to it and only let in good spirits by imagining a wall that only lets in good spirits and makes sure bad spirits and demons stay out.

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I 100% believe in Ghosts. I also believe in Voodoo/obeah/witchcraft and Psychics but I don’t support it and I avoid it like the plague. Sometimes I think ghosts are in my house when I’m alone and hear weird noises…but frankly I don’t really care, it’s not like they’re alive or anything :sweat_smile:

I’ve heard once that dogs (and also babies once or twice) can see spirits as well…do you think there’s any truth to that? Would you entertain the thought of that? Or ,maybe just animals in general :thinking:

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Oh yeah. I’d see spirits and I found that my cat, Mouse, would be looking in the exact same direction!

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Also, being a “witch” is actually a religion and is horribly misrepresented. You should look it up. But in terms of the worst things you can do… Mess around with demonic entities… play paranormal games… do voodoo, try to call forth bad spirits… yeah that’s the worst thing you can do because they can actually mess you up and hurt you.

Yeah my dog is similar in a way, some nights he’d be barking and barking while staring in a direction where virtually nothing is, which is weird to me since he’s such a quiet dog. My family strongly believes its some type of spirit and I’m getting convinced myself! He likes to bark at this woman too who passes our house every other day, it is rumored that she’s into the ‘dark arts’ but I have no proof to it. I don’t know, it’s like his personality completely switches. I could just be overthinking things

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Yeah I know it is, but the way in which it’s (sometimes) practiced in my culture is something I’d rather keep my distance from, if it’s really legit. I just try to be respectful of their beliefs as I’d want them to respect mine

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i believe in them…

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