DISCUSSION: Let's Talk K-12 By Melanie Martinez

So if you don’t know Melanie Martinez is, she’s an artist who sings a lot about the problems in the world or in young life today especially in puberty. Bullying, Self-love, self-image, betrayal, etc. Her album K-12 just blew me away especially the artistic film she made to go with it. The nostalgic sound just made me :heart_eyes:

She has overcome everything from 1-2 years and my favorite songs on the album is if I could only choose one would be ‘Lunchbox friends’ because it portrays a scene where you could have these so-called “friends” and they’d only be friends with you for an hour but not when you actually need them. Which shows you shouldn’t let popularity be one of the decisions why your friends with this girl or that boy. It should be the connection, loyalty you have that you decide these are people you want to surround yourself with.

I suggest if you didn’t see the film you should view that first so the songs will make much more sense!


I watched the movie 2 times. I LOVE the movie.

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My top 6:

  1. Wheels On The Bus
  2. Highschool Sweethearts
  3. Class Fight
  4. Nurse’s office
  5. Recess
  6. Show and Tell.

But… Lunchbox Friends is my honest favorite.

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“Nurses office” and “The principle” were the ones who drew me into the album because of the snippets but I just love the vibes in the rhythm that Lunchbox friends gives off.

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Yeah, I love the Principal as well, it gives me energy for some reason.

I love the piano in High school Sweethearts… and Lunchbox Friends just gives me a school vibe.

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The Nurses Office just has this vibe- I don’t know how to explain it.

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I love when she sings ‘Highschool sweetheart’ like ya know that one part in a song you repeat.

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I really like Detention tho.


The chorus?

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Yeah that’s a good one too.

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Yea basically. It just gives the vibe

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Strawberry Shortcake is my favorite too… I like all the songs.

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I’m listening to K-12’s album right now-

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I was literally gonna ask my mom because I didn’t know they were releasing the film on youtube if we could go to the city just to watch the movie.:rofl::rofl:

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Your not alone. Lol :rofl::rofl:

Oh God, so I’m just listening to “Show & tell” for the thousand time and decide to open the Episode forum for the first time in very very long to see this! I can’t describe how much I love the album the movie is way more than I was expecting. While lstening to K-12 I couldn’t stop thinking about all those people who voted for her on X-factor and how thankful I am to them!!! :joy::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::heartpulse:


I can agree with you there, I’ve rewatched the film a million times by now I think and listed to the playlist while working because its that catchy! :+1:t4::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Where I am it would take an hour for me to go to one of the cinemas she was airing it at.

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Me too! We’d have to take a train and all that just to watch it.

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Gladly we have youtube.

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