Discussion:read for read are useless

Aww thank you hun I’ll be 18 tomorrow and on lockdown :confused: :rofl:


I don’t consider r4rs pointless. I met some awesome authors and found great stories in the process. I do encourage people to take a break from r4rs though. You can exhaust yourself by doing to many. Another thing you can be selective with your r4rs. You don’t have to accept every r4r offer.


I did a r4r but the story was not the best boring as heck and I didn’t get the meaning of it plus it was like 20+ minutes. but it really just depends. Sometimes new author needs constructive criticism but they dont retain it then get defensive. I dont do r4r as much anymore but i think you catch my drift…

sorry if harshhh


I never did this, or at least not intentionally, because there were a few times that someone messaged me that they wanted to do R4R with me, and I said okay. I actually read their story and gave them some feedback, but I only received one reply regarding my story, out of 5-6 cases like this.
R4R is really not about anyone wanting to read your story, but people wanting you to read their story. I, of course, have seen posts in which some authors mentioned that they found gems this way, or even made friendships, but I still think it happens very rarely, and the effort you might put into this would be better to put into updating your stories, or improving your writing.

I understand that this is probably the best way to start off as a new author, but I wouldn’t do it in the longer term because “forcing” someone to read your story will not likely to bring you genuine readers.

That’s true. If you ask them to take snapshots, it might offend them, so it’s hard to confirm that they actually read it. However personally, I barely ever do a read for a read. Proofreading others’ stories or just reading them helps me improve as an author as well. I just use the honor system. I ask if anyone has time to read my story, or would like to, and I ask for some feedback.

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lol ur right. i doubt they make it past the first couple lines tbh


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u should

happy birthday luv


Aw, I still hope you can call your friends or family or something like that. Happy early birthday! :slight_smile:

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I thoroughly disagree.

  1. There’s already a rule you can follow with the person you’re doing R4R with; send screenshots as proof. Ask them to send SS of the chapter instead of just the large cover so you know they read your latest chapter as well.
  2. If you want to avoid reading stories you don’t like, be picky. Read the first chapter of the story then decide if you still want to do R4R. It’s fine to decline someone’s request too, just give them a good reason.
  3. I have read a lot of hidden gems from amazing authors just from doing R4R, and even met some new friends. So if your only goal of doing it is to gain reads, then that’s your loss.
  4. Stories are originally for entertainment, so it might be hard for someone to genuinely read your story when they already have a long reading list and no guarantee that they’re gonna like yours. Doing R4R promises something in return, and besides, what is useless about helping fellow authors getting their story out there?