Discussion: Unfair Treatment

Here’s one thing that bothers me, is when other authors say, you are not writing to get reads but for the joy of writing etc., etc. First of all, this statement bothers me. Of course, I’m writing because of my love of it. But is it wrong to want reads too? I want to know that people are enjoying my story and want to read it, because that’s why people write, to share the stories they wrote for other people to enjoy. I don’t begrudge anyone their success, but I sometimes feel these popular authors make that type of statement, forgetting what it’s like to struggle to get readers. What bothers me is authors who rose up the ranks and initially had supported new authors before they were popular but not anymore. I realize when you are very popular, you don’t have the time to support everyone. However, if this person is supposed to be your friend, maybe they can make the time.

Episode has made some effort to help new and struggling authors, but not as much as they can. Having a shelf for authors under 1K reads would be helpful and a shelf for new and upcoming authors too.

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to express my feelings.