DISCUSSION : What are your 2019 goals as a writer? 🎉


I want to strengthen my… range of stories? I don’t really know what to really call this. Basically, I saw Amanda Michelle once say her goal was to have a story in each genre and, not that I think I want one on each genre, but I would like to be able to say I have at least one story for everyone.


Something new I want to try is different ways of updating. I’ve already done an update-in-batches story and an update-randomly-whenever-I-feel-like-it story, so for 2019, I want to do a weekly-updates story and then finally another story in which I release-the-whole-damn-thing-at-once


Ok, I’m on track to achieve my goal for a. I think.
I’ve already got 2 Male POV stories and 2 Female POV stories on the app.
I’m working on a choose-your-gender story, where there’s no romance.
I’ve also got a lesbian MC story in the works, and another where you can choose your sexuality but that one’s a bit further down the track. I think these should keep me busy a while.

To achieve my goals for b. … Hmm… I can’t really make the choose-gender-story either of them, because it’s a story I’m revamping so is technically on the app already.
The one with the lesbian MC would be the next one to get released because I have it fully planned. So for that I can either do weekly updates or just release it all at once… I’ll cross that bridge when I get there I guess :thinking:


Ah, I actually feel like I achieved a lot this year.
Most of this has been achieved in the past few months, but I guess if I think back to how I crap I still was at the beginning of the year, my biggest accomplishment was actually implementing multiple endings. I did it to one story and then I went back and revamped another story to include more endings too. That was around… May or June I think. I’ve come a long way.

What about you Fallen?