Disscusion: kill em' with kindness

I used to be very fond of this statement but now it just seems like what you see in the movies. Anyway, I wanted to know if you’ve ever killed somebody with kindness? If so how did it go and how did you do it? I remember the last time I tried that it backfired miserably and did absolutely no good for my self-esteem. I feel like now if you try to, all that will end up happening is that person taking advantage of it. And thats exactly what happened to me miltiple times as a child and as I got older it just got worst.

What are your thoughts on this?


Well lol I use this and then the girl just got so angry and i was like welp that didn’t work, so instead I just cussed her out (it’s more of my natural environment) :joy:

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Killing with kindness depends on the person like I knew someone that on a regular treated me badly but would call themselve my friend I tried being nice about it at first but they just kept messing with me until I threatened to fight that person so I feel like it depends on the person


just agree with. evrything they say.

your are stupid
Your right i am stupid
Your ugly
Your right i am ugly

when they cant start a fight thell leave you alone.


if someone is rude/says something rude i just say “lol ok”


When somebody is rude, I fight with them and add a bit of humour, but I’m not too kind.


Doesn’t work much anymore
90’s slogan thingy ig??

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Nah. I don’t think that actually will work. Some people are just too stubborn to do that. It won’t always work. Besides, it takes effort to be kind to those who don’t deserve that kindness. Then, why should I make such an effort?

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Well in school I don’t get on very well with this one girl we’ve got into a few verbal fights nothing REALLY serious fights all the same we were doing a test and we don’t talk to one another alot but I just went up to her and said “it was easy,you’ll do great” and I told her some of the stuff that was coming up on it, the look on her face was :joy::joy: . I felt better because you restrain yourself from getting angry but you still feel like you owned it.

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I don’t say ‘you’re right’, I just say ‘Hm, I see.’ ‘Really?’ ‘You think so?’

I tried that and they looked at me like


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So me


XD I also do this


Bully: You’re so ugly
Me: Hm, you think so?
Bully: What? You can’t think of a better comeback?
Me: No, I don’t think so.
Bully: Expected as much, idiot.
Me: I’m an idiot? Hmm…


XD it’s like

Bully: You’re stupid
Me: Really?
Bully: Yeah and you’re weird
Me: Oh thank you. I love being weird.
Bully: You’re strange
Me: I know.
Bully: You’re stupid
Me: I think I’m reliving something over again

or I just go with you know making them even angrier because it’s nice to have the tables flipped but only if they insult me like that I’m short or call me Bacon. Which is a very long story


Bacon? :bacon::rofl:


yep. One person because I was wearing a Flash t-shirt (not tv XD) called me Little Flash. And I was tempted to just punch him. Because I don’t like being called tiny. I live with an older sister. Being tiny does not help me at all.


The only thing I can apply this to is working in the medical field. You can still be firm, but you always have to be kind regardless if a patient is being difficult. Otherwise, I give people the SAME energy they give me. I’m not wasting my kind words and smiles for someone who’s disrespectful.


I feel like nowadays that doesn’t work. I am always kind to people when people say or do horrible things and people mistake that for weakness or as a sign to continue. I think you should let people know that you will not allow such bs to run. I’m not even a verbal person so just know that if you piss me off, I’m turning it physical


One thing I like about ‘killing them with kindness’ is that really can’t put any blame on you or play the victim. They can’t come to somebody and be like “Oh, I talked about her big forehead and she just smiled at me. How rude!”. You can’t really be in the wrong in these situations if you don’t retaliate

I’ve found that it makes them very angry and what makes it worse is that they can’t defend themselves to anyone


That makes a lot of sense actually