Do I have to create EVERY character from scratch?

Hi, I’m just wondering if there’s some easier way to create a character that’s “just” a background person etc.? It just seems like at huge workload for something sort of irrelevant to the story.

Thank you in advance!!! :)))

If you type in a name (that doesn’t exist) that has no spaces into it in your code and save it.
A character randomizer shows up


Write down a random name that is not part of your character’s list

Ex: @CHARACTER stands screen center

And then when you save it, a big note will pop up saying that this character doesn’t exist. It will give you options to randomize this character.

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THANK YOU!!! you were so fast to respond :smiley:

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THANK YOU!!! It helped a lot and you were so fast to reply :smiley: - It’s really a big help!

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