Do people actually like stories with choices?

I’m just questioning if it’s even worth the hours of coding to have impactful choices as some people don’t really seem to care.

While others find it as a pet peeve and might not even continue the story because of it.

As I’m writing a story that had a lot of branching and impactful choices, no really wrong choices just different outcomes.

Is it worth it? Do people like having the choice? And do you personally?

Thank you in advance.


yes, i do enjoy having impactful choices and choices in general. i also like to see how the author wants the story to play out, but it’s definitely worth it to incorporate different outcomes.


I don’t wanna spoil my story so much but I think it depends, some authors are set on one ending, while mine on all honesty depends on the journey.
Thank you so much for replying!

ofccc gl coding btw love

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Thank yooou good luck to you too :sparkles:

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yes, if a story dont have choices it has to be really amazing for me to read it


Personaly I like when the story have many endings so it’s like a challenge to have the end we want :sweat_smile: :slight_smile:

If I’m being honest I don’t care as much about impactful choices but it’s really nice to have a choice about how you react to certain things and just get like one little scene that changes depending on that reaction. It makes you feel like you get a say in the character’s personality and different people react differently to their personality and I personally love that, however I do respect authors who code branching. I know how complicated and time consuming it can be it’s just a personal preference and I won’t not a read a story because of branching. I’m more likely to not continue reading, (or stop reading for a while and come back to later) if there are no choice options I like

I believe having choice helps you control the way you want the story to go. Example, Upside Down by @Alphan if we had to choose between Spencer of James, Id choose Spencer because it’s what I want. It makes me happy knowing people allow you to chose then course of the story you are reading.

I do, mixes it up a little bit.

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Hi. I know that many people may not agree with me.

To me, of course having choices will make a story more engaging and readers will have to think a while before deciding a thing.

But to me, I don’t really like very impactful choices. :sweat: When I read a story, I want to be relaxed and just go with the direction the author takes us. But I understand that we should open up to possibilities of making readers make their own choices.
Because there are some stories that do not provide us the story plot on other branching, I understand that it complicates the coding, but in view of a reader, I will feel like I’ve left out some important story plot. I want to get the best of the story.

As a writer’s POV, branching can be messy. I have two stories, and I don’t do impactful choices, but I am working on a new story, and I have incorporated a little of impactful choice, and I personally do not like it. I have a bigger respect to all authors who does multiple branching and coding. I really do. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah, this is my opinion. :sweat_smile:

I know sometimes choices in a story can be overwhelming, especially if it has a wrong and right answer, or stories where a character might even die from your choices. For someone who’s a perfectionist sometimes this can becomes really anxiety inducing for me.

I understand your point of view completely, but I think a writer should keep in mind that the reader shouldn’t really have a wrong or right answer (at least not in a survival story) and should be mindful that whatever the reader choice would be isn’t necessarily the right answer or else… what’s the point of giving the reader a choice?

Personally I think choices provide a different view point, a parallel universe, and to be honest it kinda involves the reader more in a sense injecting the reader into the story.

Many writers are quite protective of their stories and characters and want to tell one narrative, which I understand. But some other stories don’t depend on one narrative that much.

Thank you for reading this I went on a rant :sparkles:


I really have respect for you and the writers out there.
Yup, I am anxiety-driven person. LOL! :sweat_smile:
I do appreciate your feedback.
I already expected my reply will contradict many writers.

All the best to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think because it’s episode? The main selling point are the choices.

And thank you! Good luck to you :sparkles:

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I feel like a good amount of people like choices that impact a story, some don’t mind, and some just want to have a chill experience reading a narrative.

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That’s a nice way of summarize it, Thank you.

I’m relatively new to coding (that’s an euphemism, I’ve literally started a couple of days ago) but the few times I had to add a code in the story I’m writing (so far literally just a dressing game lmao) made me appreciate authors who add many choices in their stories with branching and everything.

But as a reader, I do like to have some control on what’s going on in the story. I like my MC to act and react how I would do in a given situation so I’m very grateful to authors that give a broad range of reaction and thus choices to their characters.

But on the other hand, when a story’s plot is really good and the main cast’s dialogue and dynamic is super interesting or funny, it doesn’t bother me that I don’t have much a say in the story, as long as it’s an entertaining one.


my sister is the same way!

It depends on what you want. How do you want your story to turn out?

This also made me think about how difficult it is to write a main character who is easy to relate to, but isn’t too bland, the balancing between the characterization and reader input can be difficult to maintain.