Do people find name input important?

Like you’ve read the title, do people really find name imput important or can they read the story without it?


It’s say most people don’t care that much about it tbh. From my observation, readers care a lot more about being able to CC rather than inputting a name. There are tons of stories without any name input option but are still very successful. :blush:


I personally don’t mind at all. Sometimes i almost prefer to not get to choose my name. I would say most people prefer to customize their character over their name.

Tbh I don’t care, I am totally okay if I don’t get the chance to input my name.

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I 100% prefer being able to name the MC and give her my name because I like self inserting and it helps me get more emotionally invested into the story.

Now that doesn’t mean i’ll automatically drop a story if I can’t name the MC but I have to really like the name given by the author (but tbh even then i’ll still be bummed out that I couldn’t name the MC :sob::joy:)- if it’s a name I don’t like, that’s overused (sadly it seems like a solid 95% of the stories I come across use the same names over and over again), that lacks creativity or the name doesn’t go with the MC i’ll drop the story :woman_shrugging:t2:

Most of the time i’d rather not have to come up with a name or I accidently pick a name that’s the same as another character in the story.

I don’t, I’m perfectly fine with no name input, no cc.

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