Do you like happy or sad endings?

Do you like to read episode stories with a happy or sad ending?

  • Happy ending
  • Sad ending
  • Something different (Tell me what exactly)

0 voters


i personally prefer happy endings but bittersweet can be great too! like when the win came at a harsh price, when, for whatever reason, the protagonist cannot fully enjoy the reward of their actions, when some irrevocable loss has happened during the course of the events, and nothing will ever be the same again or ending on a high note, but one that is mixed with sadness and nostalgia. :heartbeat:

hope it helps!


I get what you mean :sweat_smile: :heart:

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good luck with whatever you’re planning / writing babe! :heartbeat:

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Thank you :kissing_heart:

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no problem! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I like happy endings but I don’t prefer the happily ever after that much :sweat_smile:. If the story has a happy ending then it must include some sad twists. Like the story should be full of happy and sad moments. :wink: :+1:


Yeah you’re kinda right tho :woman_shrugging: :joy: :sweat_smile:

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I but something different. My favorite something different ending was one Bite My Tongue by Alphan. Spoiler: it’s because they both die happy I also like endings where things don’t go as planned but they still go some what happy. By that I don’t mean a unexpected pregnancy but rather an in expected maybe someone can no longer do something. we have more than enough pregnancy in my opinion and I would love seeing something different, like people end up dating or end up feeling able to kiss each other.

I like things that are different


Oh i know that one. Yeah, I’m not really fan of ending were the MC and LI die, but I get were you’re coming from. They still were happy even if they died.


Maybe try an ending that no one else has thought of. Like, have the ending be instead of their wedding, their funeral. Like have their kids(if they have any) be talking about how they were wonderful parents, and how they were awesome. Or, you can have one pass from old age, and the other at their funeral saying how they were such a great husband/wife.

OK, now I sound like a morbid weirdo(which I am),


Oh this isn’t for my story it was just a question…I already have an ending in mind and I can tell you it’s absolutely something I’ve never seen before :blush: :upside_down_face: :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Depends on the story for me! I prefer sad/unsettling endings for horror and thriller stories because they just seem more fitting. I also really enjoy open endings, not really a fan of time jumps and marriage/pregnancy endings.

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I’m always anticipating a happy ending when I’m reading a story and when I get one, I get a little mushy inside unless it’s poorly written and almost copied and pasted — that normally leaves me disappointed or neutral.

Sad endings and other types of endings are definitely more memorable for me though, even if I don’t like to put my sensitive heart through tragedy.


I like happy endings usually, but I don’t love the endings where they get married and everyones happy, I like when it is kinda bittersweet yk, but it does depend on the type of story.

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Happy endings— it doesn’t have to be ‘happily ever after’, but just an ending where everything wraps up nicely. I hate sad or tragic endings because they leave me with a depressed feeling and a sort of bad taste in my mouth whenever I think about the story.


so i think every body knows THAT story where the MC comes from nothing blah blah and becomes more loved and better than the already popular girl right?! well, i love when the MC loses to the popular girl or putting it in a different context: the MC is a hero and is fighting the villain and the villian wins? then what would be good if if there would be a second book or story that made the MC win, because i think it’s quite basic as the readers always know either the LI or the MC will win and fall in love.