Do you like stories with STRAIGHT ALPHA MALES?

The question is on the title, straight alpha men for life :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Nope. I find them cliche and quite annoying. Especially when itā€™s a toxic relationship and the author romanticizes the emotional strain.


I personaly donā€™t mind itā€¦ I like characters that have a real personality and that are not afraid to show it. Like if this was real life, I like people who are confident and true to themselves


Straight alpha males are everything :tired_face:

Our lord and savior created and brought them to this platform, I love her :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

this is a freaking joke if you canā€™t tell


Iā€™ll admitā€¦ I was wondering if you were okay for a second therešŸ˜‚

I think the idea of the ā€œalpha maleā€ is a myth. Unless weā€™re talking about primatology. But in humans? A myth.
Usually itā€™s just code for ā€œabusive assholeā€.


omg wHo doesnā€™t
like a guy that doesnā€™t respect me at all

oh yes baby

pfft lol no
hate hate h a t e


YASSSSSSSSSS alpha males forever :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::fire::fire::fire:

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seriously in love with them :heart_eyes:

theyā€™re over protective, abusive, and obnoxious, what can you not like about them?I mean, perfection at its finest if you ask me! :fire:

i actually want to find all of those alpha males and dig them in a hole. :roll_eyes:


Yessssssssssssss alpha males are perfection :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I like a guy that starts off as the stereotypical cave man alpha male but along the way, learns that things like feelings and emotions are okay. That itā€™s normal to feel them and learns to become better. Does that count? Lol I guess I donā€™t much mind or hate them as much as others because I was raised around so MANY and there was so much more to them than that aspect. Haha they werenā€™t a 2D copy and paste that you see in a lot of Harlequin romance novelesque stories.


The straighter and maler the better!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: if he respects me, itā€™s a no!!! :no_good_woman:ā€ā™€:no_good_woman:ā€ā™€:x::x::x::stop_sign: Hes gotta be so straight and male that no lgbt people even exist in the same universe as him :couple_with_heart_woman_man::couple_with_heart_woman_man::couple_with_heart_woman_man::couple: And I want him to be diverse! Like an Italian or a French guy :blonde_man:t2:ā€ā™‚:blonde_man:t2:ā€ā™‚:blonde_man:t3:ā€ā™‚:blonde_man:t3:ā€ā™‚:heart:


ugh straight men who abuse me??!?!?!!
i stan :airplane::airplane:


Okay Iā€™m going to be honest- I do tend to go for what a lot of people would consider to be an ā€œalpha maleā€, but there is definitely a line between ā€œalpha maleā€ and abusive asshole.

Iā€™m not sure how familiar you are with [male] red pill theory or pickup artist theory. There is a reason why certain methods tend to ā€œworkā€ when picking up women and the sad thing is, a lot of women (not all) do respond to men with traditional ā€œmaleā€ characteristics like being in charge and ā€œdominantā€ (not controlling- thereā€™s a line).
The thing is, you can find a guy with a lot of ā€œalpha maleā€ characteristics who isnā€™t an asshole to women. Abusive assholes arenā€™t alpha males but in a lot of stories, the line gets blurred. Thereā€™s a difference between being in charge and being overly controlling.


Exactly. Although I would never date a guy who is aggressive and abusive for no reason, itā€™s not a bad thing if you have someone on your side who is able to protect you, just in caseā€¦
I believe in equality in relationships and I never let my opinion to be ignored in important topics, but smaller, ad hoc decisions - like where to eat, which movie to watch - should better be made by an ā€œalpha maleā€ sometimes, because Iā€™m a woman: I donā€™t know what I want and I want it now.


Hey, we never said that an ā€œalpha maleā€ is abusive, right? To me an alpha male is someone who likes to be in control but it doesnā€™t mean in an abusive wayā€¦ well thatā€™s how I see it :woman_shrugging:


Was this meant for me? :slightly_smiling_face:
I agree with your opinion, but others mentioned they considered them to be abusive. Honestly I donā€™t know what the phrase ā€œalpha maleā€ actually means, but I donā€™t see why a man couldnā€™t be a man without being disrespectful to women or anyone else.


this is petty as hell. i love it.

and no, i donā€™t. iā€™m a trans boy with big gay crushes on soft, cute boys like patrick stump and pete wentz. ew. the closest thing iā€™ll except to an alpha male is moira oā€™deorain, and everybody knows not to fuck with her.


I was reading an Episode story yesterday (Villain Rehab) and there was a villain who could turn guys into food and eat them.

Do I need to say more?


keep in mind that this is a joke directed at a certain author :joy:

I didnā€™t expect actual answers :joy:


Ah okay, thatā€™s me. People donā€™t get my jokes and I donā€™t get theirs :smiley:

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