Do you prefer ink or limelight for a story?

So, I’m writing a new story and I’m not sure wether it should be in ink or limelight. LimeLight has more options and you can make more character combinations, but I like the animations for ink and the variety of clothes! Which do you think I should write in? Storyline: It’s about a group of students who go on a boat trip for summer break and they get stranded

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Well I prefer INK but it’s still you’re choice

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I like all of them, but Limelight isn’t one of my favorites. The animations and looks are a little too unrealistic–I’ve never seen a guy stand as perfectly straight and rod-like as the Limelight males do.


I prefer Limelight. :wink:

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I prefer limelight by far


Personally, I prefer Ink but limelight is okay. You can choose whatever one you like more!! :sparkling_heart:

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In terms of story quality, though, Classic stories had the best plots and virtually no stereotypes.

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I love both equally but I would say Ink for the animations.


Ink definitely

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Thanks everyone!

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@Jeremy or @Sydney_H I found my answer! Could you close this please?


i’m sorry but can you guys please help me with my story ideas, please go to my last topic it would really help me out, sorry if i’m doing this at the wrong place but i really really need help!!

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Topic closed by OP request. :smiley:

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