Do you prefer music or no music?

Music or no music while reading an episode?
Or you dc? :thinking:



do you mean episodes music ? or any music (such as you own )

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I prefer music


Any music on an episode story. Sound

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Music and sound, because it sets the scene in the story. I’m not a fan of having my own soundtrack while reading a story because for me, music influences a scene, and if I happen to be listening to an upbeat song on my playlist while reading a sad scene, it kind of kills the mood, TBH.


It doesn’t matter to me. If there’s not music I throw my headphones in

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I never listen to sounds on episode at all :woman_shrugging:


I prefer music as long as it isn’t the same song for the whole chapter


I sometimes listen to it and sometimes don’t. Majority of the time I keep my volume down.


Definitely prefer music. Music sets the mood for stories, if used correctly, and can really magnify the mood or add more drama to a certain scene. In my opinion, it’s boring reading a story without sound, UNLESS it’s a really good, eye-catching story. (e.g. The Doberman or something, where I won’t mind if there’s music or not.)


I like stories a lot better with music/sound

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I don’t really like the sounds, but there are times when I listen to my own music while reading a story.

Is it possible as the author to play music in your story that aren’t sounds?

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I don’t personally like the music or sounds, I find that it adds nothing to me, when I read a story I have the scene in my head pretty clearly anyway, and when reading on episode you see it in front of you too, so the sound and music is an un needed annoyance to me, just my opinion. I also get really irritated when I have had it on and there has been music left playing for long periods of time with no reason or purpose.


I prefer music

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I don’t prefer listening to music in Episode stories, I usually just listen to my own soundtrack :gemini:


I prefer music and sounds because as people have said, it helps set the mood. Emphasis on well placed music and sounds. It doesn’t have to be for every scene, but it’s nice to have. I don’t want to use my own music because I don’t know what to expect when I’m reading and don’t want the music to clash with the story. That makes it a little harder for my easily distracted brain to stay focused on a chapter. It’s much easier for me to not get distracted if there’s music provided. If there isn’t music, it usually takes me longer to read a chapter because I’m easily distracted, and that’s even if the story is engaging.

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I don’t care personally, I keep everything muted anyway. (Sound-triggered migraines suck real bad.) But I imagine if I could, I’d prefer music as long as it isn’t too repetitive—a single clip of music probably shouldn’t repeat more than maybe 10 times imo.

Music. It adds emotion and suspense to the story and its scenes.

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prefer no music as i like to listen to spotify or smth and you cant turn the sound off on episode, but sometimes music in general distracts me too much from the story?? so none i guess :joy:

I prefer music only when it adds to the story. If it’s just there for no other reason than to have sound, no, thank you. lol

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