Does anybody want to give me help with basic coding?

I’m starting to write a story after years of reading, however the last time I touched a script was brief and I definitely don’t remember much. I need some help (:

:upside_down_face:what do you need help with particularly :thinking:

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I can help you <nd if you want some easy good advice you can also go in to @Dara.Amarie
's threads she has a lot of those they really help.
And you can also use youtube.


joseph evan’s videos helped me. Also looking thru coding tuts on here (and asking questions) helps a ton


mostly screen directing! like what are all of the names for every location a character can go, how to make them move to certain places, also zooms, cuts, and pans.

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YouTube and Dara are best option to know about them😁 after viewing that if you still have questions , the community is always here
@zoom on X Y to 250% in t (X Y are co-ordinates , they can be any , I will suggest to see previewer adjust your coordinate and copy it to script :upside_down_face: and t is time)
@pan to zone 3
@cut to zone 2 (cut directly starts with zone 2 , while pan will shows going from zone 1 to 2 to 3 )

Screen center , screen left , screen right , screen upper left , screen upper right . Then go to previewer , adjust character , copy it to script and done🙃)

if you didn’t understand what I am saying , feel free to ask again to me or to another person :sweat::grin:

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Joseph Evan’s is really helpful but I’ll give you a tutorial on all you’ll need for the beginning


To find backgrounds go to “Art Catalog” then “Backgrounds” and find the one you want to use. Backgrounds are divided by zones: zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3. To go to a specific zone you need to use @cut every background starts on 1 And each zone has a screen. The basic ones are: screen left, screen center, and screen right. You can also look at a background by doing @pan to zone 1/2/3

@cut to zone 2


To place a character you need to say your characters name, stand, a screen, a zone, and which direction they’re facing. Usually, if you’re in screen left you want to face right and if you’re in screen right you want to face left. And if you want to use more commands use “AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME” no need for an @. AND if you want to place TWO CHARACTERS just do the same thing but after the first @ you need to use “AND”

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left AND OTHERCHARACTER stands screen left in zone 3 AND OTHERCHARACTER faces right


Talking is really easy. So you put your characters name in all caps and then put parenthesis around the talking commands. Then what you want to say beneath it. But, don’t put to much or you’re character will stop moving its mouth and look weird. If your dialogue is to long use another command. And You can find commands by scrolling down on the right side and pressing characters and then your characters name. To find specific commands just use the search bar.

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left AND OTHERCHARACTER stands screen left in zone 3 AND OTHERCHARACTER faces right

OTHERCHARACTER (talk_afraid)
Hi… Sir.


Basically like the talking command. Just don’t put talking commands in the parenthesis. And you have to put the dialogue in parenthesis too.

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left AND OTHERCHARACTER stands screen left in zone 3 AND OTHERCHARACTER faces right

OTHERCHARACTER (talk_afraid)
Hi… Sir.

(Why is he afraid?)


Like the talking command. You can have no name in the narrating box or if you do you need to put a name in parenthesis next to “NARRATOR”

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left AND OTHERCHARACTER stands screen left in zone 3 AND OTHERCHARACTER faces right

OTHERCHARACTER (talk_afraid)
Hi… Sir.

(Why is he afraid?)

He’s very scary…

And they talked for a bit but OTHERCHARACTER had to leave early.


Transitions are well transitions. The colors are, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, magenta, white, grey, and black. The transitions are, iris (in or out), dissolve (start or end), shade (up or down), fade (in or out), and curtain (in_left, in_right, in_top, in_bottom, out_left, out_right, out_top, and out_bottom.) Also you can do it for how long you want, just do “in #” I prefer 1.5.

@cut to zone 3

@YOURCHARACTERSNAME stands screen right in zone 3 AND YOURCHARACTERSNAME faces left AND OTHERCHARACTER stands screen left in zone 3 AND OTHERCHARACTER faces right

OTHERCHARACTER (talk_afraid)
Hi… Sir.

(Why is he afraid?)

He’s very scary…

And they talked for a bit but OTHERCHARACTER had to leave early.

@transition iris out black in 1.5

That’s the basics if you want me to explain more just ask me. Except overlays. I’m not that good in them.
Also congrats you wrote your first script just using these 6 things. Replace my names and background name and you did it. Yay!


you’re amazing, thank you so much!! :heart_eyes:

lmao np. i remember i had a difficult time learning so i quit but then mastered it a year later i would’ve loved a tut like what i wrote. :slight_smile:

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Yeah! it’s like I know I’ll be able to do it, it’s just without knowing the basic commands my hands are pretty tied :sweat_smile: I’m not familiar with it yet

you’ll get used to it :slight_smile: just keep writing and you’ll be able to memorize it

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