Does anyone else feel like this 😭

i really want to make an episode story but like i cba with the actual story part :joy: i just want to make characters and code but i don’t want to go thru the hassle of actually writing a whole ass plot and characters uno?

does anyone else feel like this lmao


Yes! I feel exactly like this :sob: But, I feel like the motivation of having people who might actually be interested in your story (even just the thought of that happening) pushes me to actually go and do it.

I wish you luck with your story!! :two_hearts:

More detailed version

Personally, in my life I strive to make others happy. When writing a story, I use the thought of people wanting to come back and people who feel a connection with the characters. Does it work all the time? No. But it still helps me at least!!


I love the writing and character creation! :blush: For me, when my motivation is high… the writing just flows, so I have no trouble there.

It’s the TRILLIONS of outfits that we need to make, and the coding that gives me a hard time! Outfit creation, no matter how good the outfits look… becomes tedious when you need to constantly create like 10 or 20 new ones per episode for each different character, and then an additional 3-4 outfits for the MC so that readers have a choice! :weary:

As for the coding, well it isn’t hard… but it’s annoying as f**k and way too time consuming! I just wanna get episodes out ASAP, but the coding part slows me down!
So like… if my story could just code itself, that would be grand! :ok_hand:t3:


Outfit creation is so tiring… I used to love dressing games and stuff… Now I m like god I have to make outfits…


The dreaded outfit creation. :joy: :rofl: And then we also have to remember what we named each outfit, so that we can add them to the dressing game.
I’m not sure if anyone else does, but I always fail to remember what I titled each outfit, so then I have to go back and check, which often entails scrolling and clicking through probably 100+ outfits [that I’ve already created so far, for the MC…] just to find the correct ones that I wanted to use for the episode in question. :unamused:


Oh my god… I totally feel uh… :cry::confounded:


that is so sweet


I have it the other way around. I love writing characters and plot but hateee coding, I’m to lazy :yawning_face:.


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I see myself in this picture, and I like it.

Also, overlays…spot directing…the pressure to use advanced directing because that’s the only way to get reads…

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Ugh, tell me about it! :upside_down_face: The overlays and then spot directing them, and of course spot directing the characters… then doing all the fancy zoom work, it’s an actual nightmare.
Coding is easy enough, but it’s way too stressful and time consuming. It’s also the main cause for a massive lack in motivation.

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How do people write 40-episode stories with advanced directing? I could never :sob:

Haha, Foul Play currently has 31 Episodes (and I’m halfway through writing Episode 32). It’s coming to an end by around Episode 37… and as much as I love the story and don’t want it to end… in a way, it’ll be a relief when it does.
Because tbh, as much as I enjoy writing it. I hate coding it.
It’s gonna be nice to not have to code such a stressful story anymore. Because it’s one which has 3 individual LI branches, which requires three times the work… multiple times per ep. :unamused: :weary: :sweat:

I swear, once the series is done (because I’ve written multiple stories for the Foul Play series)… then I’m gonna be sticking to writing one LI stories, only!
It’s so much easier, and a lot less stressful!

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I feel the exact same way! The coding itself isn’t too hard once you learn the basics, but it is really time consuming. It takes forever to code even one episode, so I can only code when I have time and when I am actually motivated. :confused: