Does anyone else miss the "old"episode?

I need something new to read I need a fill in as well! :wink:

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Okay, I can be open minded! :grin:


Wincy W is my favorite author on the app. Her directing and plots are incredible! (She wrote The Ruby Tiara and Moonlit Feathers)


I bet moonlit feathers is pretty LIT :joy: :joy: :laughing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ll go home
(Shane Dawson)


My little sister downloaded the app because I asked her to read my stories. I made sure she didn’t read any story that said “contains mature themes and language.” I hope she listened…


Who knows?



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I’m going to make a genral chat thread you can visit me on it :blush:

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I’ll check it out! I haven’t had this much fun on the forums since I joined.

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I like ink the most but classic was pretty too. Theres something about the old episode layout i liked(probably cuz i like blue) but the layout was just nicer. Idk…i feel the stories now just suck…from featured to authors(not everyone just seeing so many repetivite characters and same frickin plots). Idk…i dont log on much anymore cuz theres no story i just wanna read and authors just dont upload for months(no exzaggeration) and release on chaptr wth no explination on why they left but keep repeating the cycle)
Idk the stories arent fun…the app isnt appealing to me visiually and i loathe LL(i like they eyes skin and hair but its just blah compared to ink) idk if its me or what but the app lost its charm somewhere…i use to see ads like
MC in rain wth crush
Choice A: share an umbrella
Choice B: get soaked together
Now its stuff like
MC with crush
Choice A:look how sexy he is(take a pic)
Choice B: (hes hot) makeout frantically


Wow, a lot of what you just said I agree with. I feel like I was trying to say that, but I couldn’t find the words. It really did lose its charm. :sweat: I find myself on the app way less.


Hahahaha I can’t stop laughing rn

I do like the old layout as well



When I first got the app, the only available stories were those created by Episode. I loved them! They were really well-written and had great plots. Classic was the only style, and I adored it.
Looking back at the “old” Episode evokes a lot of nostalgia, but I agree that Episode needed to evolve in order to improve. Yes, now we have cliché stories and lots of mature content, but we also have better technology, a lot more options for diversity, and more. It’s bittersweet.


Thank you. Yeah its hard for me to find the words to use as well…i tried my best.

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Thanks ha.

Yeah, I can see where your coming from! I do think its bittersweet. I also think I associate classic with the stories that I’ve always enjoyed and it just became a preference of mine. For some reason inks male characters just look like little boys to me. :woman_facepalming:. I’ve really tried to read ink its just harder for me. Limelight is a little better though.



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is watching trolls

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I get what you’re saying. I remember I joined Episode around the time INK was still new and I remember seeing stories someone under 13 could read. But overtime I noticed there’d be one bad boy story after another, one student-teacher relationship after the next, and now gangs everywhere! I just miss the originality that came with the stories, but unfortunately, cliche stories seem to outshine the stories you’ll actually gain something from reading…


Agreed. The bad boy I think is the most reoccurring. It’s like someone reads a story and says “Let me rewrite it, but with what I would change”