Does full CC matter?

I’ve been stuck on this topic for a while now, i hope everyone who sees this gives me their opinion! :two_hearts: :cloud: :butterfly:
I don’t know if i should include full CC or limited, so i wanna ask, if a story has limited CC, would you continue reading it or would you prefer full CC?


I prefer limited cc but if you want full cc, go for it, if you want limited cc, go for it, it’s your story so it’s your decision ultimately :))


The fact that i don’t even know what i want is just- concerning lmao :pensive: :raised_hand:
I’ve been reading threads about pet peeves from episode stories and stuff and i keep changing my mind about this, so i decided to post a thread to see what do you guys prefer!
I just want the readers to enjoy it, so even if i want either full or limited CC, i won’t be happy if the readers aren’t enjoying it.

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It’s either full CC or no CC at all for me :relaxed: Limited CC has no use to me.


personally, I prefer full ( which is ironic because my stories don’t have CC lol :sweat_smile:) but I wouldn’t mind a story with limited CC


The only reason i’m asking is because i’m struggling to code the family’s details too, i could easily code the template to match the MC’s details, but what if they have dyed hair or something yk? But i’ll try to figure this out since everyone seems to prefer full CC! Thank you to everyone who answered!!

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i think there are videos on youtube where if the reader customizes the MC the family’s details could change also. you’d have to search it up, i forgot the channel but i saw some.

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Yesh i know how to code that, but my point is what if the reader customized the MC with green hair for example, the family members will have green hair too and that ain’t it :pensive: :raised_hand:
i’m ranting sorry sjshdhsgd

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i think you could make it to where if the MC has green hair the family’s hair stays the way it was. you’d have to watch videos about it though

i prefer FULL CC but limited CC is ok too

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Lmao you could say like
@CHARACTER becomes @MC
@CHARACTER changes hairColor to Chestnut Brown or something idk :joy::sob: that’s what I did in my script or you could just not let them have dyed hair Colors ig

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OOOOOO MISS MA’AM U JUST SOLVED ONE OF THE MENTAL BREAKDOWNS I HAVE FROM CODING SHHDAH, thank you sm :pleading_face: :revolving_hearts: :two_hearts: :heartpulse:

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I did family customisation and I left it brown or black because then it caters to everyone in my opinion. Like someone with black hair could have a child with ginger hair or blonde. You could also just use brown/black hair for dyed colours but I just left it out since it is also less work.

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no problem :joy::joy:

Makes sense, my uneducated ass didn’t think abt that previously, thank u sm! :pensive: :two_hearts: :heartpulse:

so for me i love full CC but recently i’ve found that even if full CC is offered, i just change the facial features and hairstyle; none of the skin, eye, or hair colors. in my opinion, since it’s YOUR story, if you feel like the way they look is important and allows you to make your story better (like with limb overlays or descriptions) then do limited CC!

and if you get hate it’s not your problem because there are so many other stories with full CC.


tysm for your reply :pensive::heartbeat::heartpulse::revolving_hearts:
Especially as a perfectionist nothing seems to make me satisfied istg- i only wrote one scene so far and checked it like 30+ times to make sure everything is perfect, so i really want the readers to enjoy everything and everyone’s replies makes me understand some of the reader’s point of views!

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I did this on a poll
And the most common answer was that people likes full CC but are ok with limited

Link to thread

In the thread there is more answers to questions u may have x
Question about story’s

Hope this helps x


I don’t really like cc. (please don’t come at me ahah)
I don’t like it because, if you are going to have art scenes it would mess it all up, it takes way to much time, and lastly i somehow make all my characters the same looking(?!??!?)(not on purpose)
-Hope this helped!


tysm :pensive::heartpulse: it did rly help!!

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