Does this hurt your retention?

Hey, I was wondering. Lets say that someone starts reading your story but exits it in the first episode (because of CC or other things). Does it hurt your retention? :thinking: I am wondering because I sumbitted a ticket about one issue with overlay in episode 1 and they told me “We tested your story on multiple devices but couldnt display the problem you are experiencing”, so I am wondering if it affected my retention, that they “tested my story on multiple deviced” lol :smiley:


I mean I think so? If someone clicks off your story without finishing it does affect retention as far as I know. I’m not certain if them testing will affect it though.


Well, crap :joy: some people couldn’t continue my story because of this glitch as well


Awww :pleading_face: Maybe the team has a way of reading in the same way we can all test our own stories? Even if they’re published? I don’t know but have faith!


Well there are still at least two people (probably more) that exited first episode because they didn’t see an overlay they needed :smile: and with my 64 reads, the retention is already low because of it so it doesn’t really matter if they lowered it even more :grin:

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I kind of imagine there must be since they usually ask us for our story URL, right?


Well, since you already have a ticket opened I guess you could ask them this question too?
I really hope @amberose is right, and this won’t have any effect on your reader retention :expressionless:

Last year I also had a similar issue with one of my contest entries, but I didn’t even think about this when Episode tested my story… Please share if you get to know something, this is a pretty interesting question :thinking:


That is a good idea, I will ask them and tell you then :thinking: if they will be willing to tell me this :grin:


Quick question- is this a tappable overlay that only some readers have had problems with tapping? Just asking because I’ve had a few readers have issues in my story, but the majority haven’t had any problems so I know if I submit a ticket, I’ll probably get a similar response to you lol.

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Well this was initially about just not seeing overlay, but I have had that problem too but they didn’t reply about that yet 🤷🏼 only thing they said was
“There is currently a known issue that the team is investigating, wherein certain assets stop displaying correctly while reading a story. Some players have reported that restarting the app resolves the issue temporarily, although it may come up again.”
And that it could be a problem with memory, that you need to have more than 2GB free space to play Episode without problems :smile:
So I think that they will say something like this to you too. :sweat_smile::grin:


One of my readers just said their issue was that the overlay didn’t show up. I do have it jumping in and out of the scene, so maybe I overloaded the system and it glitched? lol
Most people haven’t seemed to have any problems though. So maybe it was a memory issue, but still… hahaha. I want to submit a ticket but I also feel like it’s pointless.


Or maybe they tapped too fast? When I am forced to reread episodes, a lot of overlays get messed around because I tap as fast as lightning

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It’s timed so I don’t think it should matter. Tapping early shouldn’t impact that (I tested it) but maybe tapping too fast earlier on could have thrown something off :thinking: as in, maybe the overlay was never created but I think I added some preventative measures around that too


Well in my case, I didnt even have the overlay in Overlay Helper in app preview, only in web preview, and some people could see it in the story and it was just a car interior overlay, so I definitely didnt overload the system lol :grin: but you probably could with your directing :laughing:


Gosh. After this contest, I’m scared to use overlays now. They were a pain all through the lead up to the deadline and now they’re still being a pain


Update @Annieways since you wanted to know :blush: This is what they replied :smile:

To answer your question about your retention being impacted, no, it should not have been while we were testing. Regarding the overlay not appearing, as I mentioned previously there is currently a known issue in the app, wherein certain assets stop displaying correctly while reading a story. I have passed your report to our testers and would like to encourage you to encourage your readers to submit tickets to the support desk as well if they are also experiencing this issue. I apologize for any frustration this causes in the mean time.

  1. Did anyone else read that and feel a bit like you were being talked down to?
  2. They always say not to send multiple tickets for the same thing… And now…

You know, I dont even know what to say anymore. I have had so many glitches in my contest entry (overlay not appearing, people not able to tap on overlay, tappable overlay not appearing, people not able to pan while looking for tappable overlays) that as you said, I am afraid of using overlays in future. Honestly I think that instead of releasing new assets every Thursday, they should just focus on fixing all the glitches in app.
And for the ticket sending, why do they need it when its such a known issue? :woman_shrugging:t3:


Thanks for sharing. What really bothers me about this is the fact that they suggest you to encourage your readers blablabla…
Sometimes I’m lazy to submit a ticket even for my own story, why do they think readers would take the time for this, especially if they just started reading a story and don’t know yet if they would continue after the first episode? No, they won’t submit a ticket, they will just click out and start reading another story…


Yep, true. :woman_facepalming:t3:

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