Dont You Hate It When It Happens

Ah! This is why I don’t trust the episode portal previewer! I think my scene looks really good and then when I go on the app, I instantly have to change something!


did u try the mobile previewer?

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yes, it was fine with spots from the phone, but not from the Web Preview.

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OMG I thought this was only happening to me!!! Before learning how to really handle inputting music and sounds into my story, my episode previewer worked just the way I wanted it to, with all the music playing at the right time. BUT when I played it on the mobile previewer, NONE OF THE SOUNDS WORKED.

I have since fixed the issue, and I was just about to go recheck how things are like on the mobile previewer!!!

Sorry for being so energetic, but I really honestly thought something was wrong with my coding this entire time.

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im being VERY energetic rigt now. Like. omg. srsly? Is something really wrong with my coding or the damn app? WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!

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I just finished brushing up episode 3 on my story, and all the sound works as they’re supposed to.

I’m about to go check on my phone, and I rrly hope it works. First time I checked on my phone, I was aghast, because I thought everything was perfect (cough cough thanks a lot, web previewer) but maybe the second time will hopefully fix this!!

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Im still working on my re-vamped story. I just hope the coding will be just how it is in the portal previewer.

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This happens to me… so I’ll check it on my computer then later on I’ll check on my phone which is way different my overlay will be in the wrong spot so after finishing on the phone I’ll do my iPad to make sure on iPad everything is perfect since iPad and phone are different. But it is annoying that my computer and phone are in different places with overlays… :roll_eyes:

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ikr. ugh.

Nope. epic fail…

i guess its a glitch…:thinking:

This happens to me always especially when I join contests :heart_eyes:


lol. i guess it happens to everyone.

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Yes! You preview it on the writer’s portal and go, ‘OMG, that’s beyond perfect’, and when you see it on mobile, you’re like, ‘is this my story? did i click on the wrong story?’


lol FACT.

Yes! So annoying!

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Sometimes the Portal doesn’t even work…

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