Drama Story Title

I’m thinking about changing my story name to something else. It’s an ink story and I named it Mafia Soul because it’s a story about the mafia but I feel like that’s too obvious. So I want to hear your suggestions !!:pray:t3:

What’s the story about?


It’s about a female who is destined to take her father’s place in her family’s mafia matters after he dies and now she is left to be the leader.


I think a good way to come up with a title is generators or put something that symbolizes a key thing in the story. Let’s say your story had the important theme of family or a symbol like a key. You could have a title that reveals these things like “Honor of the Family”, “Family’s Honor”, “Underworld Keys”. It gives a sort of vibe of how the story might go. You could also have your character’s name or the last name of the mafia family in the title.

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Good point! I could give it a try. Thanks for the help <3

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