Drop your SQUAD ENTRIES Here!

Hey Fellas! Since I like promoting small Authors and their stories, you can drop your SQUAD Contest Entries here!
For a Shoutout on my Instagram I’m attaching a form:
If you wanna do read4read, you can PM me here or DM me on IG @mukta.episode !
Waiting to see your Entries! All The best with the Contest Guys!


Ty for this thread!

Check out my first story - if you like interactivity and mini games, def check it out!

Title - Squad: Escape or Die
Author - Lin
Genre - Mystery
Description - 5 high school classmates of 10 years prior reunite, only to find themselves trapped together in a mysterious red room and a threat on their lives.
Features - CC, Choices Matter, Point System, Mini Games focus

If you do read, I would love to receive constructive criticism and feedback, especially if you find any bugs in my mini games!


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Thx for this, really appreciate it! I am also up to do a R4R!

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Hey, here’s my entry!!
Title- Squad: Split :zap:
Author - Architha Sriram
Genre - Mystery
Description - 7 strangers reach Rosewood for their college, only to find out - that it doesn’t exist. Will they escape this sick game they’ve been roped into?
Features - 2 love interests, full CC and your choices matter
Cover -

Link - http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6530674219745280
I hope you all like it! :blob_hearts:

Here’s mine!
Story: Squad: 3 Wishes
Genre: Comedy
Description: After accidentally summoning a Genie, Kassie and her friends must be granted three wishes in order for the Genie to return to where she came from. Only she doesn’t want to return.
Squad_3_Wishes_posterThumb_YqHlYNCt9w (1)

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4807255984898048

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Whoops I accidentally requested a second shoutout. :grimacing: You of course don’t have to post it it was a mistake!

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Wow thank you so much for this thread! thats really sweet :pleading_face: :heart:

Here’s my story below:

Title: Squad: Evident
Author: Piki
Genre: Drama/Mystery/Romance
Description: An unlikely team consisting of your detective best friend, neighborhood delinquent, and rivaling prosecutor form to unravel the evident truth of your father’s wrongful conviction.

Link to story: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5324137063317504
Instagram: @piki.episode https://www.instagram.com/piki.episode/

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I hope you’ll like my story!

Author: Mnemosyne Sartori
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5983065739558912

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Heyo! Here’s mine if you’re interested in reading it :blush: :slightly_smiling_face::
Story Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
Episode App Synopsis: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to four squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?
Full Synopsis:
In a town called Gavinville, monsters are known to plague the city with its evil and are up to no good, so it’s up to a squad team of heroes, Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop the monsters from wrecking havoc in the city. But will they stop it in time? CC, Customize your squad, CC Name customization for two squad members,
Genre: Action, Horror, a bit of suspense, Comedy, etc.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5755059564773376

  • Most choices do matter
  • Point System
  • Love Interests for Every Squad Member including Morgana
  • Mini games and tappable mini-games, etc.
  • There are some LGBTQ+ characters in this story, including my character Morgana the witch, a character who is a former bisexual, and more. I will be also adding some more as the story progresses :rainbow_flag:
  • A Photoshoot at the end of chapter 3 for all of your squad members :grin::slightly_smiling_face::framed_picture::camera_flash:


IG: @twes2363.episode

EDIT: I just followed your instagram for the shoutout.

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Author: Rita_Writes

Title: Squad: Good Vibes Only

Description: A runaway bride, a addict, a brazen girl and an introvert, reunite after years spent apart. Under one roof personalities clash, friendship is tested and love hangs in the balance.


Genre: Drama

Style: Limelight

Instagram account: @rita_writes_epi

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6111398657720320

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thanks for the thread! here’s my story :heartpulse:

Author name: Mistletoe
Instagram: @episode.mistletoe
Style: Limelight
Genre: Adventure (and some fantasy later on)
Description: You enroll in Aequor Academy, thinking it would be a normal, boring summer. But when you come across a secret room, you discover there’s so much more to the academy than it seems.

  • customization
  • choose LI gender
  • mini-games
  • advanced directing
  • point system
  • choose body type


Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5895955347079168

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my squad entry. :slight_smile:

Squad: Caveman
Author: Farah DeSantis
Genre: Adventure
Style: Limelight

IG: @miss_desantis_
Description: You got trapped with a group of scientists in a cave under the Greenland glacier. Will you survive and discover the truth about the myth of a lost underground tribe?



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All the Best to All of you Guys :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Thank you for this thread! Here’s my story :blob_hearts:

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5282834677956608

Title: Squad: Woodness
Author: Aite (@aite.writes on ig)
A magician, an elf, a werewolf and a ghost meet in a cell. A princess is missing, a witch has vanished. It’s just the beginning.
Try to keep yourself alive.
Genre: Adventure
Style: Limelight

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Hi! I hope you will be able to check out mine, I’d love to hear what you think :slight_smile:
Title: Squad:Lavender
Author: CharlotteBradley
Description: After a tragic event leaves you trusting no one, you find yourself enlisted by a group of elite criminals on a heist. Will you ever learn to trust again? (CC, LI, LGBT options)
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4841920040992768

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Thank you for making this! Here’s my entry:

Title: Squad: Wizardry (for Dummies)
Author: Michelle Renae
Genre: Fantasy
Story Description: They’ve got magic from the most powerful wizards in the world! Shame. It seems this dumb group of friends couldn’t cast a simple spell even if it killed them! CC|Points
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6308567277830144


My instagram is @michelle.renae.episode !

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Thank you for this!!:heart::sob:
Here’s my entry :
Squad : It’s Now or Never :oncoming_police_car:
Author : Gerr
Genre : Mystery
Description : Them, an immature squad of cops. You, a new young inspector. The event? A normal murder. Teaming up, will they accomplish their mission and find the right killer? |LGBT+|+Points|
I hope you’ll like it!:heart:

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