Editing Synagogue Backgrounds

Regardless of the editor’s intention, it is still disrespectful to take a religious place background and make it into a police station, for instance.

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I guess it’s a matter of opinion, because I don’t find it disrespectful. But that’s why we have a discussion, right? There’s no correct answer to this :slight_smile:

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I guess. After all I opened this thread about this subject so people would share their opinion about it :sweat_smile: :blush:

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that may be but I also thing that it happens a lot. what I mean with it? for example churches. Some are being used as a libary because not many people are going to it anymore. if this is the meaning of editing the background that way to show this then I don’t have a problem with it. if you get what I mean?

I am sorry, but I did not really understand :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Can you explain it more?

P.S: it is “think”. You wrote with “g” instead of “k” and it is “library”, not “libary”. I totally understand if English isn’t your native language. Hope there are no hard feelings because of correcting :blush: :grinning:

thanks I’m really bad at english ! well In my opinion editing backgrounds is the same thing as what people do now days with churches they change it for example to a libary or something else what if that’s actually the intention from the editor ? to show this happing? I mean I don’t have a Synagogue where I live but I do have churches and if this was there intention then I don’t see the problem. I also don’t see it as a problem if they change it because they want to practice Editing backgrounds or something like that however I feel like they have to tell the orgins from the background. Like telling people they edited it from a Synagogue background or something like that

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@Minoesje, I am not talking about using synagogue backgrounds to practice of editing backgrounds. I am talking about edited it completely so it won’t be a synagogue, but something else and use it in a story. I think it doesn’t respect Judaism in any ways, whether it is the editor/author’s intention or not.


still if they use it that way I’m fine with it as long as they mention it in some way storie wise or just with a readersmessage but that’s just my opinion I don’t know how others would feel about this though


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