:happywaffle: ~ Emoji Exploji!

I am crying my eyes out because my cat just died and I loved her with all my heart and as time ticks by I find myself growing more sad and angry because of my sudden loss…


I love bears who dance the flamenco. I hope me and the bear will get married someday and he won’t care about my glasses or my allergy or apples. I’m happy.

:man_teacher:t4::rage::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :woman_mage:t2: :mage:t3:‍♂ :mermaid:t3:‍♀ :fairy:t3:‍♂

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I’m an angry teacher that curses, but I’m also a green wizard, a purple wizard, a mermaid, and I could be a fairy too.


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After I fell asleep, I dreamed about a scary clown who was surprised I could eat a pizza, burger, and fries and never get full… I am happy that I showed him so now it is time to fully go back to sleep…


Emoji’s are shit but it brought my family together enough to ride an elephant during June. We had ice cream too for a few months until Halloween came then I had a basketball game and fell asleep.



I was watching my favorite show “Star Struck” and thought “What if I could be famous?”. I thought about it for a while and after a long time I decided I could me a professional singer! It is now a year later and I am very rich!!


I kissed my graduation goodbye whilst wearing tiger pants that said swim Tokyo America computer message


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dead cowboy, Ghost aliens are lit. Donuts


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Books annoy me…


There’s a forest fire but it started raining which was kinda gay until a tsunami came.


I am a man who seen a girl and decided to wave her over to me. She looked up and stared, then waved. She came up and there was an instant spark when we touched fingertips, we even made our own handshake! I’ve never been more happy!!!


A strong clown and a purple crab play a football match?


I cried over the death of my spider friend, but then realised I didn’t give a shit cos that spider was crawling all over me

:exploding_head: :money_mouth_face: :alien: :microphone: :bikini::crazy_face: :sneezing_face: :sweet_potato:

Holy Shii a sexy singing alien with made bread. I’m about to make made brea–Sweet Potatoes!


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I love junk food it’s just gonna make my mouth drool but healthy food is still good…

:elf:t2:‍♂ :woman_genie: :zombie:‍♂:rofl::rofl::grin::grin:

I saw a male elf and a genie and a male zombie and just couldn’t stop laughing.


by the way, my emojis don’t work so they put those signs instead :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Fortune cookies are a time, I like to ponder them but then I need to wave my hands and sign a form to get one which surprises the delivery because I’m an astronaut.


I forgot that I shouldn’t take metal handled (which has less resistance and more current induction due to magnetic fields) umbrellas out into rainy days and the end result was that I got mind-blowingly shocked.


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