:happywaffle: ~ Emoji Exploji!

It’s Old people loves cats
Young people love other young people.


No idea but let me try (im bad at deciphering though)
I was happy, then I saw a vampire and I was speechless. I thought he was going to kill me and I was terrified but he kissed me and smiled. I was happy again.


I really like this guy, but I’m too nervous to talk to him. But then, I saw him walking towards me and he KISSED ME.


hehe its that in a fool moon a dedective found a fairy

It was
Someone Caught another cheatng than realised that it was her man and started Crying

Is that… “I took a photograph of an old woman drinking wine” ? (:sweat_smile:)

:tired_face: :ghost::zombie:

You’re scared of ghosts and zombies?
It may be a bit confusing, let me know if you don’t get it.

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A fairy was happy till she saw a zombie, then the fairy got scared of the zombie and she run away?

Omg, you’re exactly correct! :grin:

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The Devil had a good idea to kill the cook?


Moods of the week?


There was a clown walking around town, so were 3 kids. The clown saw the kids and screamed. :joy:


It was a bright, sunny day, so I took a walk through a forest. Somehow, I stumbled upon a magnificent castle, and instantly became royalty! Then I lived happily ever after. The End.


You were texting while walking?


You hate writing and you want to shoot yourself, and then you want to sleep, but you can’t so you swear??


“I love whales and owls?”
:blonde_woman:t2::heart::kiss::nail_care:t2::ring::selfie:t2::girl:t3::heart::woman_juggling:t4::microphone: :santa:t2:

It was that he fell asleep during a test and the teacher sent him to the office but then he fell back to sleep and cursed at the principal

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A girl likes to get her nails done before she gets married. Then has kids and a singing bearded guy comes in!

:fish: :rowing_man::fishing_pole_and_fish:

I love fish. That is why I am always on a boat, fishing
:horse::deer: :coconut::eggplant::pizza::pizza: :sob::sob: :speech_balloon: :heart_eyes::metro:

It’s supposed to be Nemo, my bad.

Horses and deer are like coconuts and eggplants bad, but good on pizza so that’s why I cry when I talk and see trains.
