Epi.Sunset's fast cover corner

Ya freestyle I like it!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Me too!

Wait I have class so can I massage
You in a couple of minutes like a hour
I’ll send you the pics

That’s fine

Okay :slight_smile:


The one in the middle is the guys pose

So you want arms crossed?

Looks easy enough :slight_smile:

Please put a lot of effort in to it like a lot because I’m going to use it a lot


Sorry I’m not that good at text :cry:

Epi.Sunset team always put a lot of effort into our request dw :+1:t4:

Oh I am wanna swap?

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It’s fine :slight_smile: maybe make a thread about epi. Sunset fast pfps ?

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Sure! I can’t right now tho since I am with my family on vacay

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Should I do add of the characters to the background and you can do text?

You could do it when you can :slight_smile:

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Who is going to draw the poses? :slight_smile:

Can you

I might be able to? I could try

I still need practice on drawin :woman_facepalming:t4: