Episode Ads Criticism

I don’t know if anyone is interested, but I would be. Episode has gotten a lot of scrutiny over the last year about their Ad choices with odd choices. So many people have sent Danny Gonzalez ads from Episode complaining about them, so he reacted to them. I’m hoping this gives Episode incentive to change them because I find them slightly bizarre, and at least now I know I am not the only one. I will link the video down below but please do not give hate to Danny as he’s just the messenger. If you want to skip to the Episode Ad part go to 9 min. and 20 seconds as he discussed many other ads.


Haha I watched that video today! :joy: I agree- But I don’t see that happening since episode is constantly receiving criticism over things like that and still don’t change.


I honestly believe Episode uses these dodgy ads for the attention. The fact that they are so wrong, in many ways, means people talk about them more than if they contained normal choices.

Any publicity is good publicity, right? :roll_eyes: Even this video is exposure.


While the ads are weird, they definitely work, as it was because of an ad that I decided to download the app to see what was up.


Lmaooo right? I was like, “But where’s the ad story at?”


wait those are not photoshop


LoL. I’m subbed to this guy already. Love his stuff, and really just commentary channels in general.



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Me too! You are now apart of the Greg fandom. You are Truly Greg


Omg yessss

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Glad to find a fellow Greg!

Omg i died laughing!

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Episode’s ads are pretty interesting. To be honest, I think they contradict how stories on Episode are really are. I’ve never really paid any attention to them because they don’t portray the Episode app in the right way.


Same! :joy::joy:

Agreed, but in Danny’s video he said he wanted to download the app just to see what it’s like because he doubts that the app is really like the ads. So in its own way the ads do its job, but they’re still a little weird. Especially when I tell people I write on Episode, they assume I write inappropriate content (for lack of better words).

Ohh yeah. I see what you’re saying.

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My face swells up from tears of laughter whenever I see those ads :rofl:

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Mine too!:joy::joy:

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lmao I was just thinking about episode ads and like some of them are gross, but they make a good laugh.

Episode is crazzzy :joy::joy::joy: