Episode Campaigns

Hello, everyone! Briar’s back! So I’ve noticed that on Wattpad, there’s a really creative idea of “campaigns”. So if you don’t know what that is, it’s basically a person that created the campaign, which should be anything for the stories.

Like, for example, FreeYourBody campaign. It’s about diversities, and it supports all body shapes and colors. If you have a character with lots of diversity, then you attach the sticker made by the campaign itself, so readers would know that there arew character like that. There are other campaigns like BreakStereotypes, FreeLGBT, or even ProjectBadboys and much, much more.

So, lately, when I’m just scrolling through Episode, it’s been harder and harder to pick a story that I like, and with these sticker campaigns on the stories, I think it would be much easier to find a story to your liking. What do you think? Do you support what I offered? Do you have any ideas? Campaigns? Comment, and don’t forget to like your support for this idea!
