Episode Confessions Thread

Thanks, I always have trouble deciding on whether or not people will get offended by my thoughts. It’s good to hear so many other people agree with me though.



Honestly ink is mood…


first off, they don’t need to add customization for the mc if they have art scenes in the story. Doesn’t make any sense, but oh well, it’s their story…




I hope Episode “Changes” to the portal, is good and not totally lame and useless.


Disclaimer: I wasn’t the person who wrote that but I can understand why they’re feeling upset over it.

The rant thread has gotten really depressing. I had to put it on mute because of this (I don’t mean any disrespect when I say this, it’s a good place to let out how you feel and rage); overall, the thread was really bringing my mood down and I felt very upset when I was on it. But I wanna say that it is hard to be happy sometimes, you are just hurting inside. I know how it feels when you feel like life isn’t good enough or you’re not good enough, however you need to keep pushing through, no matter what and fighting. Also, the forums aren’t the best place to seek help. You need to get help from your parents and/or people close to you in your life. Episode provides a list of safety concerns in general rules, to help. Take a break off the forums, if need be. Don’t do things that make you feel bad. Just whatever you do, try your hardest not to bring yourself down :heart: :blob_hearts:



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Did the same for all those reasons a long time ago.

Good luck with that girly.
Maybe it’ll happen when the cow finally jumps over the moon ya know

Thank you :rofl: :rofl:

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This can’t really carry on since the person posting the confessions have left the forums…

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I know. Is she coming back at all?

No. She left.

However only time will tell. All I know is that she left.

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Never has this been more true! LOL :sparkling_heart:

OK, so I previously talked about my religion here: Discussion: Religon & Culture - #73 by JemU776

In the post, I wrote “holy book”, this was a mistake on my part. I apologize very deeply for this (unfortunately, I can’t edit or delete it but I can own up to it). The Guru Granth Sahib is not supposed to be called a book. My mom told me this; it’s not a nice thing to say. I learned this and I’m still learning. Anyways, I’m sorry, really really sorry :pleading_face:

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I must confess:

I still believe


(I’m sorry)


In what?:rose:
Britney Spears?

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Yes :joy:

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Same. :grin:

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