Episode errors?

So i dont know if this is episode to blame but theres this issue im facing. Basically i added my background to the art catalog and its still in review and i used it on my script and when i try to preview it, it glitches and it shows either

thanks for being patient

or a black screen

both being error:11.

and then i’d have to restart/refresh cuz i cant do any more previewing. I then tried to delete the background but even after deleting its still there so i tried deleting it again and instead it pops something like this


and after clicking okay that background will not be vague

however back in the episode script it says that it no longer exists so i reuploaded it and the same thing happens. I’ve uploaded plenty of backgrounds and used it before it was approved many times without facing an issue so this is the first… help?

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Give a photo of your script/the error message if you started on it already

Is this what you mean? :sweat_smile:

When upload backgrounds, do it in capital letters, typically in this style:


You can change it all up, ofc, but make sure it’s in CAPS.

basically the problem is you didn’t format your BG title correctly.

you have to do INT/EXT. BGNAME - DAY/NIGHT

you didn’t do that last part so that’s why it’s all glitchy. episode is very precise with its hyperlinks when it comes to code, so just change the name of the BG with a proper format and that should work. If not, msg me.

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Hello! thanks for the reply, I changed it to INT. TRAINING - DAY and its still the same :confused:


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Okay here’s what I’d do. It might just be the arrangement of your code causing this glitch (the episode portal is very particular with the order of code.)
I’d do this: (feel free to copy and paste)

@SAPHIRE changes into SAPHIRE_training and SAPHIRE faces right
@overlay MANNEQUIN create
@overlay MANNEQUIN opacity 100% in 0
@overlay MANNEQUIN scales to x x
#(x x is the scale. if you want the mannequin to be big do .5 .5, but feel free to experiment with the sizes of your overlay.)
@overlay MANNEQUIN shifts to x y
#x and y represent the coordinates where your overlay is going to be. Feel free to experiment with this as well.

&pan to zone 2 in 0

(I don’t know what you mean by @SAPHIRE stands screen left and GEORGE stands screen right and GEORGE faces left. Fun fact, using spot directing with a scale and coordinates is much more reliable and actually using code such as screen left etc. That particular code can cause glitches as well.)

TBH your problem seems to be either because you’re using too many @ symbols or because Episode (as always) is unreliable. For the past month there’s been an error where the writer’s portal freezes constantly, so it may not even be your code. I do wonder though, if what I suggested didn’t work, do you mind showing the code before this particular scene? Thanks, and good luck!

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also the transition you’re doing has to be done after the new scene is introduced, not before.

Nope still not working :tired_face:. the previous scene is just dialogues and it works perfectly fine before that scene.


The screen freezes when doing the transition curtain in_right black. As shown below, the part peaking out there is the previous scene.


Also thank you so much for trying to help :joy::pleading_face:

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@linaaveya Nevermind i got it fixed! for now at least :joy: Thank you so much for helping i appreciate it :pleading_face:

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remove the transition and let me know how it goes. if all still doesn’t work, my suggestion is to use a background from episode’s catalog instead. they rarely glitch. also, it might just be a bug with your chapter so try custom backgrounds in the next episode and they should work instead. the writer’s portal is going through some bugs right now so don’t worry it’s not you. your code is lovely, try removing the transition. again, if it doesn’t work, it’s not your fault. episode is having a stroke at this rate…

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That’s so awesome :3

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the problem was that you were in a different zone and (i’m assuming) your background was only 1 panel, correct? This would mean you’d need to &pan to zone 1 in 0 not zone 2. idk if that’s right, I’m glad you got your problem fixed tho!

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i’ll keep that in mind the next time this happens!, lets hope not haha :joy: Thank you you’re amazing!

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awww that’s so sweet lol no problem :smiley:

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