Episode Free Story Cover?

Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone is doing free cover requests for my first story or know anyone who does them, please let me know here or dm to me! My instagram is on my profile bio.


It might be worth it to look through some art shops on here and request whichever one appeals most to you?

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Hereโ€™s a list of art shops if you canโ€™t find anyone :blush:

Quite a few of those shops are shut/closed now since the person who made that thread is no longer active and hasnโ€™t been for quite a while. An updated version of that thread:

A New Complete List Of Everything! OPEN (: - Community / Episode Fan Community - Episode Forums (episodeinteractive.com)

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Moved to Art Resources since this is about cover art. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if youโ€™ve got questions. :smiley:

I do it for free

Sammieโ€™s Art Shop (FREE)

Oh My! Would that take up a lot of your time if I request one?

It can take up to a week. Please show me the position of your liking and your character