Episode Has Just Reviewed My Story And It Isn't Looking Too Good!

Bad news guys. Episode has just reviewed my story and it said that it contained real people from Rocket Power (which it doesn’t!!!) And it also said that it contained real places. And it also said that it cannot be reinstated. This sucks because I’ve clearly worked so hard on it and I couldn’t find any good ideas for a high school story. Ugh! This is exactly why I can’t wait until Ivy’s released!!! :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:


Hm, ok wow, um, how don’t even know what to say, okay so did they removed your story?

Now, I don’t think I’ve read your story before, so just give me some points to help me understand what content u put in your story.

Quoting from a thread:

Ok, so this is in the guideline, regardless of what content u put, they can’t be like a reference.


So, in other words, u need make up names, like "Epigram, "Epifacetime, or “Epi Vet Shop”. Something like that for business. Real persons, like a celebrity, u can’t include,

This is why we are a community, the forums are here, whatever help you need with, we are all here to help you with anything. Don’t feel afraid to ask, it’s okay.

The app is released only in Australia, I think, correct me if I am wrong, but yeah hmm. not sure when it is going to be released to other countries.


If they’ve removed it for copyright reasons, it probably won’t be allowed on Ivy either.

If it’s 100% not based on Rocket Power or the characters, you could probably discuss that with the reviewer who contacted you? I’m sure they gave you more information on the places too? If it was just place names, those could be easily changed so I’m guessing it’s the characters that got your story removed?
Or your plot is a lot like Rocket Power or another show.


Can you possibly post some pics of the images you used? Maybe we can help figure out what exactly they mean? And the names/places you used?


I’ll just tag along to ask one little question about episode reviewing. They say we can’t publish anything about real person/places. Do we agree that places means a specific place and not a city, right?


Wrong info.

They say we CAN NOT include anything about real persons/places.

Places means: real school names, real industries, real famous/known persons etc.

But we can of course mention all known and unknown cities, villages, countries, states…


I made a typo and i actually meant can’t, however thanks for the answer!




I would be happy to help you fix your story to match the guidelines. Can you tell me a little bit about the characters and the places you used in your story?


Okay. Well first of all, my MC and her family are from Guatemala Mexico. and her love interest and friends are from Mexico, California and Kansas.

And here are the places that I’ve used:


I believe those images are copyrighted.

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I know that now. So, what do you suggest I do?

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You can go on different websites to find free backgrounds that aren’t copyrighted.
I would double check you story to make sure that you haven’t used any reference to real people (like celebrities.)



You can find some backgrounds on Pixabay and other website or you can use the free backgrounds on episode. Episode life has some as well.


When you say it can’t be reinstated, do you mean they removed your story? Or just the images can’t be reinstated?


I think they meant the images. But it’s totally fine. Because I’ll be going to Episode Life and Pixabay to upload some backgrounds.


Okay. Thanks. Hopefully Pixabay and EpisodeLife will have the backgrounds that I’m looking for. and I haven’t used any real celebs for reference in my story. Which I haven’t written yet.


You’re welcome! :slight_smile:
If you need anymore help let me know! :slight_smile:

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Actually. Are there any other copyright free image websites that I can go to look besides Episode Life and Pixabay? Because my story is a high school-related story and I’m trying to look and see if there are any.


Copyrighted material is not allowed on any platform. Don’t want to burst your bubble but chances of it being allowed on Ivy are probably next near to none unless changes are made. :crying_cat_face: