Episode Has Just Reviewed My Story And It Isn't Looking Too Good!

Hm, ok wow, um, how don’t even know what to say, okay so did they removed your story?

Now, I don’t think I’ve read your story before, so just give me some points to help me understand what content u put in your story.

Quoting from a thread:

Ok, so this is in the guideline, regardless of what content u put, they can’t be like a reference.


So, in other words, u need make up names, like "Epigram, "Epifacetime, or “Epi Vet Shop”. Something like that for business. Real persons, like a celebrity, u can’t include,

This is why we are a community, the forums are here, whatever help you need with, we are all here to help you with anything. Don’t feel afraid to ask, it’s okay.

The app is released only in Australia, I think, correct me if I am wrong, but yeah hmm. not sure when it is going to be released to other countries.