Episode is Updating Our Content Guidelines


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They did say they’re exploring the possibililty pf making a new app for it, which is really bizzare cause underage kids (me included) can easily fake an age and get access to the stories so why bother making a different app.


So all those covers with half naked people in sexual or provocative poses?


some of episode stories

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I still believe some sexual covers will still be up.



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lol well this will be interesting to see :thinking:

Question, does this apply to the community only and not you guys?


True cuz some of there guidelines have some stuff in there own stories

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They’d almost HAVE to make a new app to accommodate their own stories that break these guidelines. I still think it would be helpful to have more info about where the line for “suggesting” sex is occurring would be drawn. Would the referencing condom use and “going all the way” followed by images of sensual touching of limbs in College-is be OK still? I genuinely don’t know.


Yet there’s not much they can do about that. That’s on the kids and parents head really. There will be proper warnings at least. But here? Where they have the explicit child rating, this is the place they CAN do something about it. Since there’s expectations for them to have a safe app that’s appropriate for children here with this rating, they have to crack down so that they continue to make those ratings and remain appropriate. And here at least the ones that don’t WANT to look for that content, will know that they’re safe from stumbling across something they don’t want to see and probably shouldn’t.


If they do create new app for 18+ and kids use it, I think they are not guilty by law :woman_shrugging:🏽 And that’s the best way to protect themselves, but parents have to protect their kids, that’s not Episode job.


Exactly!!! I’m tired of Episode acting like people’s parents. Just make the give the proper warning so the users know what they are getting into.


If we are being honest here Episode has some sexual covers but it’s more on the communities part.

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Wait i saw something about not being able to use things such as guns so no more gun props allowed? And what about when characters do it?? We’re not allowed to imply that it will or has happened? But- but basically almost all romance stories include that…

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Yes, that’s true.
Sorry for all thpse weird spelling mostakes, I can’t get used to this keyboard

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Only on covers



Lmao what about all the mafia stories?:sweat_smile: will we not be allowed to use the gun prop anymore?

The prop itself is fine in stories. It’s just not allowed on the cover.