Episode passes taking 8 hours to refill?

Does anyone have this problem or is it just me, my passes used to take 4 hours to refill and I’ll get 4 passes now my passes take 8 hours to refill and I only get 4… I do watch the adds to take time off but it only takes 6 hours off…

That’x really weird, I don’t have the same thing. Maybe soon?

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Ok thanks Lili

But the thing is for the past 2 weeks it has been an 8 hour wait for my passes to refill

I am having the same problem after watching the videos to shorten my time it now takes 8 hours to refill

Is anyone still having this problem as I still have to wait 8 hours for my passes to refill and was wondering if i’m the only one or if this is a change episode have made

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I’m not sure. It does that to me when I “time travel”.

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It was gone for a bit but now my passes take 8 hours to refill

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okay thank you