Episode Recording Won't Work!

I need help. Whenever I try to record a video on episode, (it’s like when you press those three dots on the corner and press record) and I try to end the video, it says, “Sorry recording failed. Try again”. I try again and again but it repeats what it says. Does someone know how to fix this, or have similar problems?

For your problem I recommend filing a ticket.

Also, if Episode sees this I was wondering if screen recording would ever be available for all devices. At the time of writing I think only apple devices, samsungs and “good” androids (eg running android O) have the ability to screen record.
I have 2 devices running android 5 and 6, I would appreciate adding screen recording for everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

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@DevinaS Sorry to hear you’ve been having this problem, you can submit a ticket here and our support team will help you out :slight_smile: :v:

I would suggest making a feature request thread if this is something you would like to see implemented. Hope this helps!