I think they just wanted to make an update that we cant preview it if we have errors because sometimes it makes the previewer crash, and they kinda forget about bg/overlay approving error :neutral_face:


Yeah that happened to me to! :sweat::sob:

We demand an explanation!!!

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Yeah but spot directing

That’s so weird, it works for me

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Is your background in review?

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how do you know?

It could be a good thing.
They might be fixing the web previewer.
It had so many problems.

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Oof, thank God I’m not the only one here who’s experiencing this Preview-Button-Gone-Wacko problem :no_mouth::dizzy_face:

This is bug and the team is already working on fixing it!


Thank you for the reply!

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It was a bug!!! oh! okay. Awesome! lol Take your time!

Yeah. Its happening to me too

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It was a bug, they will fix it.

When did this happen thought? It wasnt like that this morning

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happened yesturday I think, it could have happen anytime before or after. So, now we all know what was the problem, so don’t worry everything will be back to normal lol.


Thank you @Liz!

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Heads up!

There is a way to work around the issue for now: You can comment out the image by putting a # in front of it. For example, INT. DOORS becomes #INT. DOORS. You will be able to preview your story, though the background or overlay will not appear in the preview until after it has been approved and the # symbol removed.

Also, for everyone experiencing this issue, please submit tickets to https://episodesupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=114093965234,.

I shall attempt to tag everyone I’ve seen so far who has reported this issue (if I miss anyone, please tag them and direct them to this post; if you got tagged but aren’t having this issue, then my apologies :blush: If you got tagged twice, then I need coffee)

@lanafrazer_episode @Minoesje @SteeleMagnolia @NicoleYEpisode @line123462 @Simila100 @Wingsoffire @EllieThatWriter @AshlyRayn @kw.episode @ViviOfficially @JessicaOlson1 @appleqrl @LyraKeiken @fluffyrice @lilmisskriss44 @PizzaWriter @Ellie_Hughes_xx @SASB @MystikLunaa @CrystalKitty @mariejen @MoreTeaMustBeSpilled @Natalie_ward @TheUnknownAuthor @cc_episodewriter @Bres1951 @jordles @klaneso @GColleen @JiangShi @azariasin @Alusza @benaiah.episode @Nightary @AuthorMDWrites @Maison @Episode.Kay @LanaAugustine @Martha213 @Addivi101 @goth.gaia @aprill @emmiepisode112 @Riskxtaker @JMO @SarahDor @bb_author @AverysTea @Random.Tomboy @lonewolfe @Carter @AMagic @Cande_interactive

Okay, that’s everyone I’ve seen so far! :sweat_smile:


Thank you, Sydney!! You guys are the best.