Episode won’t load

It’s been a week since I got their email. I’ll keep waiting but if I don’t get any replies soon , I’ll probably just stop episode since theres no solution , hopefully one day it’ll be okay :frowning:

I have done the same and I’ve got no reply too

They just replied and asked me to uninstall and let them do the restoration again. I really hope it’ll work soon!

Hi how many times have you tried getting through to them I keep emailing them but get nothing back from them how long has it taken for them to reply to your message?

About 9 days. How many times you tried to email them again?

About 3 or 4 times but nothing back from them

I might come off episode for a while as don’t get any response back when I email them maybe In the future I’ll come back onto it

@Lolly1 yeah probably the only thing you can do :frowning:

Mine still doesn’t work. It’s like if the author updates the story but I’m not credited with a new pass(as in they didn’t edit the previous episode) then my game crashes but if they did , it wouldn’t crash. It’s kinda frustrating :frowning:

I was told 5 days ago to give them my support ID and they’d fix the problem and then I can re-download the app but haven’t heard a thing I can’t be bothered anymore with it if I’m honest maybe in the future I’ll use it again but every time I try emailing them I get nothing back feels like I’m wasteing my time to be honest amyone got the same issue ?