Episode's 2017 Diversity Standards

Why are there missing comments and what’s with the constant flagging? What is the obsession with silencing people all the time?

Also - I’m reading some comments and I wanted to point something out:

Something that is bothering me on this thread is that it seems like some readers follow Episode’s footsteps, in the sense that they seem to believe diversity is some sort of prop and/or addition.

I’ve seen “diversity stories” mentioned as if diversity is supposed to be its own genre.
Similar to how Episode launched it’s “diversity” shelf back in 2017 – it lets us know that many of you are still not understanding what diversity is. In terms of users not understanding, a lot of the fault is on Episode because they should have already been inclusive when the app was launched.

We’re not asking for our own genre and the idea of having diversity is not for it to be a specific subject, but for us to be able to see ourselves represented in every story the way abled white-cis-hetero people can.

“Diverse stories” and “diverse authors” shouldn’t even be a category since the world around us overall, should already be diverse.


I’m not even surprised at the combination of threads. I won’t be surprised if my comments get flagged either. The mods love silencing me :roll_eyes:


HONESTLY it’s honestly sad how they can’t follow their own standards

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Does anyone notice when there is a story with a POC MC then people will beg to customize and stories with white MC’s don’t get the same treatment. Honestly it’s annoying especially when the author says you won’t able to customize

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Facts! A literal example of hypocrisy and racism. :roll_eyes: They never want to just play a POC characters unless they have light-skin or are white.

Honestly the only POC MC that isn’t customizable that I can name is Instant Princess and Attracted to the Nerd

Exactly! Hypocrisy at its finest.

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The truth is that Episode only wants to pretend that it values diversity. It’s not doing anything authentic to help.


Certain posts shutting people down for speaking about the diversity we were promised are allowed to exist and have their own thread… whilst everything positive to do with diversity gets thrown into a single old thread to be ignored.

The reason they’re putting the posts on here is probably because the wrapping paper or cover post for this one is a promise for diversity made by episode. Anyone who doesn’t actually read below will be fooled into thinking they care… whereas if we had separate threads to deal with separate issues that are lumped together as “diversity”, it would quickly show the cracks in this attitude.


I think s/he means body types like sizes (e.g plus size)

I made a thread and Episode diversity (lack thereof) and they shut it down and they threw it in archive just like they did with my Noob Loop topic which they unlisted because Episode didn’t want me to attack their precious sweetheart.


I guess you can count what’s-her-face from The Enchantress… even if it’s limited CC so you can make her so light she could basically pass as a white person

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Episode is actively participating in censorship lately. What is this? A Stalinist regime?!

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Nah fam. The girl on the cover is a redhead I don’t think she’s POC, but I could be wrong.

I know she’s supposed to live in Hawaii… I believe she was Hawaiian… or at least part so. She moved there, but I think her family had lived there before

Either way, she’s got like 4 skin colours you can use for her… one of them basically being white

Although I feel like I need to say that my Indian uncle is completely blonde… and I have red hairs in my head :sweat_smile:

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POC can make up and have different skin tones and hair textures + colors so I am not surprised.


Since Episode won’t put out stories on a Korean-American fashion designer I will beech.

same. I have a cousin who is full black who has light skin with blonde hair and if you looked at her you couldn’t tell she was black unless you looked at her extended family.

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