ERROR unexpected expression: did you leave out the word "choice", or forget to put a character name in ALL CAPS?


I am trying to do some coding to remember past choices in my previous episode but it is saying i have an error but i don’t know what it is.


if (Outfit1 is “black&beige”){
@AMARA changes into AMARA_blackandbeige party
}elif (Outfit2 is “revealing in red”){
@AMARA changes into AMARA_revealing in red

if (Hair1 is “straight”){
@AMARA previews hair Straight
}elif (Hair2 is “curly”){
@AMARA previews hair Diva Curls
}else (Hair3 is “beach wave”){ <<<< (this is the line the error is on)
@AMARA previews hair Beach Wave Hair

}if (Lipcolour1 is “bubblegum pink”){
@AMARA previews mouthColor Bubblegum Pink
}elif (Lipcolour2 is “scarlet”){
@AMARA previews mouthColor Scarlet
}else (Lipcolour3 is “ruby red”){
@AMARA previews mouthColor Ruby Red


label choosing_outfit

choice “black&beige”{
@AMARA walks to spot 1.190 -126 2
@pause for a beat
@AMARA changes into AMARA_blackandbeige party
@zoom on 687 0 to 235% in 0
@AMARA walks to spot 1.190 82 15
@zoom on 667 275 to 235% in 3
@zoom reset
gain Outfit1
“revealing in red”{
@AMARA walks to spot 1.190 -126 2
@pause for a beat
@AMARA changes into AMARA_revealing in red
@zoom on 687 0 to 235% in 0
@AMARA walks to spot 1.190 82 15
@zoom on 667 275 to 235% in 3
@zoom reset
gain Outfit2
AMARA (think)
(Do i want to wear this?)

choice “yes i look hot af”{

    KARINA (talk_handsonhips)
Guys are gonna be all over you!

&AMARA is laugh_chuckle
@KARINA is laugh_chuckle

}“Try something else”{

    AMARA (think)
(I'll try something else)

@pause for a beat

goto choosing_outfit

AMARA (talk_gossip)
I need to do my hair and makeup

label choosing_hairstyle

    AMARA (think)
(What hairstyle do i want?)

choice “Straight”{

@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@AMARA is primp_brush_hair
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews hair Straight
@pause for a beat
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Hair1


@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@AMARA is primp_brush_hair
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews hair Diva Curls
@pause for a beat
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Hair2
“beach wave”{

@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@AMARA is primp_brush_hair
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews hair Beach Wave Hair
@pause for a beat
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Hair3
@zoom reset

    AMARA (think)
Do i want this hairstyle?

choice “Yes!”{

    AMARA (idle_happy)
(I love this hairstyle)

(Now my makeup)

}“try a different hairstyle”{

@pause for a beat

goto choosing_hairstyle


label choosing_lipcolour

    AMARA (think)
What lip colour do i want?

choice “bubblegum pink”{

@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@add Lipstick to AMARA
&AMARA is apply_lipstick
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews mouthColor Bubblegum Pink
@remove Lipstick from AMARA
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Lipcolour1


@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@add Lipstick to AMARA
&AMARA is apply_lipstick
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews mouthColor Scarlet
@remove Lipstick from AMARA
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Lipcolour2

“ruby red”{

@zoom on 673 315 to 256% in 0
@add Lipstick to AMARA
&AMARA is apply_lipstick
@pause for a beat
@AMARA previews mouthColor Ruby Red
@remove Lipstick from AMARA
@AMARA is idle_happy
gain Lipcolour3

@zoom reset

    AMARA (think)
Do i want this colour?

choice “yes”{

    AMARA (talk_think)
What do you think?

    KARINA (talk_excited)
You look stunning!

@AMARA is primp

}“Let’s see what other options there are”{

goto choosing_lipcolour


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Else doesn’t go with this () , either put elif (Hair3…) Or just plain else
if (Hair1) {
} “elif” (Hair 2) {
} “else” {

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If there are only 2 choices, it’ll go like this

if (Hair1) {
} “else” {

If more than 2 it’ll go like @24aya said.

But here’s a post that may help.





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