Error when there is none

So I have been trying to write my first story and I am trying to have a character enter the scene and I have tried every possible way but I keep getting the not valid directing command. Someone please help!

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What did you write to make the character enter the scene?


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To enter it’s

@CHARACTER enters from left/right to screen left/right/center of you can spot direct

If you’re spot directing it’s
@CHARACTER enters from left/ right to spot (the numbers)

That is what I have been typing in and it has been giving me that same answers

I put in @CHARACTER enters from left to center and it is still giving me the warning


Try @CHARACTER enters from left to screen center

To screen center!

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I tried that and the warning is still coming up, any more ideas?

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Does it work now?

hi, can i see your script?

I got it working but thank you!


It is not working again do you think you could help?

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@EMMA enters from left to screen left AND EMMA faces right
@REANA enters from left to screen center AND REANA faces left
@JAKE enters from left to screen right AND JAKE faces left

It worked! Thank you so much!

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no problem :star_struck: