Experiences with Lice

hey lovess

I know this topic, is something that probably shouldn’t be discussed on forums but you know I was curious.

Let’s be honest, i’m pretty sure most of us have gotten lice at least 1 in our lives, and if you haven’t you’re super lucky. I have had a bad experience with lice, had it in 1st grade and 3rd grade, and even 5th grade. Which is pretty unfortunate, I mean at least it can get treated with those combs, but I hated everything about them. Sometimes, I feel like I have them now and have my mom check but it’s always a no so idk why my head is itchy?

Share your “experience” below but don’t go in to deep that it’ll make anyone be scarred for the rest of their life



I’ve never had lice…just dandruff. What’s it like?


It might just be me, but it makes me like look at myself and say ew. Like it’s super disgusting knowing there could be atleast 100 tiny bugs crawling in your head. I mean after getting rid of them you feel so good :joy:


…Well. I’m scared for my head now.


I mean, it’s easy to get but as long as you’re careful it’ll be fine. If you find out someone has lice, don’t accuse them of being dirty and not washing their hair because lice actually prefer clean heads more than dirtier heads




just don’t worry.

Also I told you this because telling people this could make them like actually really sad


Girl lemme tell ya when I was in the fourth grade… I was young and naive (disclaimer) I believed black folks didn’t get lice. It never happened in my family before. I goto school and my bff at the time starts scratching, soon there was an epidemic at school. I come home scratching and I tell my mom lol she thinks nothing of it. I PULL ONE OUT OF MY HAIR AND EVERYONE SCATTERS!
Ugh I had my hair washed with vinegar and those awful treatments. That was super traumatic and opened my little eyes lol


I always though lice was just something that happens in movies. I never had it and none of my family members nor anyone I currently know has had it.

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Same here, lol. We had a couple scares but nope. Turns out, ff you don’t share your hairbrush or hats (or hairbands or anything of that nature) with other people, you’re highly unlikely to get it. Lice can’t jump from scalp to scalp like fleas - it clings to things.


What the flip flop! For the longest I believed we didn’t get lice either! :rofl::woman_facepalming:t5: Oh heck naw!


Last time I’ve had them was when I was 12 (also note that I had really long hair that nearly reached all the way down to my tailbone) and it was awful. From my mum threatening to cut my hair short to being picked on by my classmates for having them (even though about 10 other people in my class had lice as well, but no, they only acknowledged and teased me about it, which I’m not even surprised about). I’m thankful I got out of it without having to cut an inch of my hair.

Take care of yourselves y’all.

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same here.


Jimmy Fallon: OMG…THAT EW!


I got lice 2 times before and it was not fun. I felt disgusting and dirty. Meaning I had to stay home from school for 2 days. It was bad.


wow. :scream:


Yeah it was horrifying.


Never gotten lice and doesn’t wish to. Bugs scare me. So much that saying the name makes me shiver. I cannot imagine tiny little… THINGS all up in my head when I sleep… and that you can’t see them? Oh nononoono

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I attend a boarding school, and if there’s one thing about boarding schools they don’t show you in the movies is that everyone has lice all the damn time. I think I’ve had lice at least once a month since August. Probably more. It’s my own personal hell:
One of my friends has really light blonde hair, and you could literally see them in his hair and pull them out with your fingers. :joy: It was disgusting.

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