Express how would you feel if...with emojis (GAME)


How would you feel if you woke up one morning and you were a cat and you find out that you are stuck as a cat FOREVER


:sob: :sob: :confused: :pleading_face:
How would you feel if you get a dog as a birthday present?

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How would you feel if you woke up to find yourself in your worst nightmare?

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:cold_sweat: :sob: :sob: :skull:
How would you feel if your favourite teacher scolds you?

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How would you feel if you topped but then noticed that there have been calculation errors?

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:weary: :sob:
how would you feel if you had to go on a date with the person you dislike?



how would you feel if you woke up with red hair

depends on what shade
if weasley familyharry potter red then :face_with_head_bandage:
if dyed red then :fire: :fire: :fire:
how would you feel if your friend vomited on your mom


How would you feel if someone is eating pie in the public restroom?

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:nauseated_face: :running_woman:

How would you feel if you accidentally sneezed on someone?


:grimacing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :sweat_smile:

how would you feel if someone cut your hair?


How would you feel if you accidentally used hair remover to wash your hair instead of shampoo?

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:scream:my poor hair
how would you feel if you couldn’t complete your exam on time although you knew the answer to every question?

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:weary: :sob: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
How would you feel if you wore your fav dress but then it started raining?

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What do you feel when you lose your gems

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how you would feel of you’re fav outfits are gem choices in episode official stories???


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🤦😭 I never have sufficient gems

What do you feel if your parents arranged a date with someone and that someone turn out your forever crush


:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :sob: :heart:
How would you feel if the cake you baked fell on the ground?



What would you feel if you forgot to do your assignment?


:cold_sweat: :sob:
How would you feel if your best friend accused of something you didn’t did?

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