Favorite Word or Short Phrase?

“minneha” <3 @minnehaaa

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I wuv you bby :pleading_face::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

“kahhhhhhhyyyyylllliiiieeeee” @eilyk
“Go fuck yourself” :woozy_face:
“Germafartaholic” @Epi.milkyway


i wuv u more <33 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pleading_face:

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My favourite word is discombobulated cause it’s really fun to say.

[I commented already but I thought about a word I like more]

All F words, they’re legit my most used words.

PEACE OUT * mic drop*

C’mon guys
the best word is ‘defenestration’
which is by definition: the act of throwing someone out the window


of course lmao there’s no other answer

my point exactly

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I never use it, but saying “Nailed it!” in a high-pitch falsetto is always fun.

I also scoff a lot. Like, A LOT.

Kjaer (Norsk for darling or something like that)

anagapesis (no longer feeling affection for someone you once loved)

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I love to say oof and omp a lot :joy::two_hearts:

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This quote is the way I live my life, sometimes it works and sometimes I actually die inside:

If I can get the same results from doing 50% and 100%- 50% it is.

(It’s not a healthy thing to do, so just like don’t🤷‍♀️)

Ew I’m so late but YOLO

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I say idk a lot
the same way Oogwe says it in Kung Fu Panda

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Big fan of creative use of profanity, not gonna lie.

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