FEATURE: Choose Speech Bubble Style

Bump. I support!!

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This needs a big BUMP from me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You, who is reading this, have a great day!



Now that I started writing, I just realized how the speech bubble’s style looks futuristic and out of place. not to mention ugly :flushed:

We need a rounder style, I don’t like these sharp bubbles.


Bump :cake2:

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Bump :sparkling_heart:

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Bump! :mushroom:

Bump :metal2:

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Bump :christmas_tree:

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Support! I’d love to colour pick my speech bubbles, and maybe even have different coloured speech bubbles for different characters too!

Support + bump!

This is such a great idea! Support!


Support :two_hearts:


Support !



Apoyo, Pero igual quiero que devuelvan los antiguos “Speechbubble Styles” O sea que agregen por ejemplo el 2013, 2014, 2015 y sucesivamante todo en un mismo lugar, para asi poder elegir que estilo de speechbubble quieren, quien esta conmigo?