FEATURE: donating gems to authors on their episode profile!

Okay, so, you know when you really like an author’s story and there’s an option to support them at the end of the chapter? Even if we click on it, the author won’t get the payment in the form of gems.

So, how about there’s a button on the author’s profile in the episode app where we can support our favorite authors with how many ever gems we want. We can also add a little side-note to show how much we love their work. It’s like how the ko-fi site thingy works.

When we click on donating gems to the author option on their profile, it can be like -

Number of gems you want to donate:

If you support this, please like and share this post and comment down below ‘Support’ :blush: thank you so much! :heart:


I may have misunderstood what it is you want But the gems is to help the story trend, if its on the profile the gems are just useless and dosent do anything to help the author.


Support! But…

I agree with the person above. I think this idea is nice, especially the note part. However, since gems are used for the trending system maybe a button of some sort for donating gems and adding a note should be on story cards (that place where you see the description and the large cover). Also authors do get the gems from support buttons. I support this tho because I think the note idea is really nice.


They get the gems in the form of money if they’ve unlocked payments :sweat_smile: but thank you!

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Ohh that’s a good point! I meant we could donate where they could get the gems AND their story would trend. Sorry, I should have worded it better :sweat_smile:


The gems would be applied to every story they have for trending?


Yeah, something like that. I’m not sure how to say it :sweat_smile: or something like what you said in the post before.

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You want to say that we need to support the writer himself, not just the story?

I agree with this, to let the author continues writing for another story.

Thanks for this nice idea, dear. :tulip:



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I think any author will approve of this idea. But I think it’s worth adding not only the ability to donate gems, but also the ability to give coal if the episode is not very good.
