❤ FEATURE: Promoting My Story Category ❤

Support! We also need a promote stories category where we ask authors to promote their stories.

Title : vampire love
Author : chandni
Episodes : 3
Genre : fantasy and romance
Style : limelight
Story description : A girl who became angel on her journey and fall in love with vampire when everyone is against them
Link to the story : http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6105554706169856

Hey, I don’t want to be the one to say this, but as @JemU776 @juliewrites and few others previously mentioned, it is really disrespectful and rude on your part to spam threads which are not promote your story with your stories. How do you expect readers to read your story when you’re disrespectful enough to not to read OP’s thread?
Please don’t do this and kindly read before promoting. Thank you :heart:


support !

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Thank you for the support :100:

Also this is NOT a promote your story thread, please do NOT promote it here, stick to the promote your story section, read the original post and go over these threads I linked below in the quote. :red_light:

Be respectful please. It’s really rude what you are doing and you will not get any reads this way.

@makingepisodestories & @Chandni1 please remove your posts.


Well that just silly. What about all the posts from people looking for recommendations? Where should those?



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