Feedback for a Rookie

Due to my inactivity, its safe to say I won’t be posting a story on Episode within the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on my interest in doing so.

I did start two stories, one of which I have no clue how to delete (unless I keep it and use it without publishing it) and the second I hope to continue brainstorming on.

That being said, I noticed a lot of people on the forum look for a writing partner. I was just curious as to how the process works, like do you share Google Docs, live chat or simply comment on other people’s posts? I considered it in hopes of finding someone who can help make up for the coding skills that I lack.

For now I’m just seeking feedback. Thank you!

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Hey when people look for a writing partner like I have the best way is to share a Google doc and maybe communicate elsewhere as well so you can keep in touch and up to date to what the other one is doing.

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