Feedback On My Story (Holding Back)?

I decided to try to make a story because I just love everything about it. This is my first story. I just released the first 3 episodes. It’s a drama/comedy. It would be amazing if people check it out. The first 2 episodes aren’t great but I wanted to start out calm then progress. I wanted to give a family background first couple of episodes because it will be important in the future! I love constructive criticism :slight_smile:


I want to check it out…I’ll message once I am done. It will about 20mins before I get to it I’m fishing up a scene in my story then I will check it out! :slight_smile:

Aww thank you :slight_smile: Can’t wait for your feedback

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You’re welcome. I am starting it know! :slight_smile:

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I just got done with it. I will message you!:slight_smile:

Alright, thank you

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You’re welcome. I Really liked it. :slight_smile: I hope others give it a shot to and see how good it is! :heart:

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