Finish the question!

is it just me or is she eating plastic?

where are my episode gems!?

what in my mother in laws name…

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what in my mother in laws name is that rat doing?
should i…

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should i hug her?

could you please…

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could you please hang out with me?

when are you going to buy more pizza?

Kaylee, how…

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Kaylee, how am i supposed to pay for the pizza?
(sound werid bc of my name)
will you please…

Will you please stop eating my food?
Are you guys going to…

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are you guys going to buy more food?

can you please buy the food, im broke. :((

Should they fire the…

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should they fire the manager for not giving me free nuggets?

when should they do that?

could you do…

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could you do this algebra question?

How do I do math and not cry :(((

Could you…

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could you help me with biology then?

where do you live so I could tutor you?

what did she…

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what did she say about you?

how are we still being able to message?

i never know, but how…

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i never know, but how is water dry?

does that question even make sense?

how come you and her…

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